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Grande Ecole & Masters


The objectives of this new corporate initiative with LVMH are to build an academic experience that is modular (with participants allowed to choose the topics that mostly interest them), participative (participants will co-create content), inclusive (not open to certificate participants only but to a broader audience) and echoic (enabling content to resonate beyond the participants' involved and be visible outside as well). The certificate enables you to discover the luxury sector and its specific management principles AND reflect upon the key challenges of engagement and commitment, sustainability, diversity, inclusiveness. It is open to all contributions from different specializations, backgrounds.

LVMH is highly involved in the corporate initiative with career and academic events. They identify internal experts, and their Maisons' best practices to share with participants in each module. They may be involved through a conference on a selected topic with a keynote speech, a broader panel, animating a workshop, ensuring a briefing and debriefing of a project, providing feedback on a project, etc…

The LVMH academic initiative consists of 7 modules starting in November (asynchronous online content) until May (synchronous modules). The Certificate will be awarded upon completion of 5 modules. Participants may decide to participate to more modules if they wish.

  • MODULE 1 – Luxury business today (from Nov.), full online asynchronous
  • MODULE 2 – The New Customer (from Jan.), full online asynchronous
  • MODULE 3 – Luxury in the era of big data and AI
  • MODULE 4 – Diversity and Inclusion - Crafting your career in luxury
  • MODULE 5 – Sustainability & climate change challenges (in collaboration with Certificate Climate)
  • MODULE 6 – Art and Luxury - Preserving know-how in today's luxury context 
  • MODULE 7 – Client experience
Modules will encompass : 
  • An inspiring keynote speaker from LVMH or one of the Maison or a panel of speakers – open to LVMH partner universities and schools
  • Synchronous (from module 3 onwards) and asynchronous academic content, coordinated by Anne Michaut with selected speakers from HEC Paris faculty or external experts when relevant – a selection of the material produced will be available for the future LVMH Inside platform
  • A team project, initiated by students and illustrating their views on the topic at stake. (alternatively an individual paper)
  • Coaching for the project coordinated by Anne Michaut with selected tutors from HEC Paris faculty or external experts when relevant.
  • An iconic LVMH venue visit
  • The certificate offers a comprehensive and blended academic experience, including asynchronous and synchronous academic content, knowledge sharing with top-notch executives from LVMH and hands-on experience through exclusive virtual visits and multiple projects and workshops.


The "Certificate" is open to participants from Grande Ecole M2, Master of Science, Specialized Masters, MBA and EMBA (see application guide below) - with 15 ECTS awarded upon completion of 5 modules (minimum) among 7 offered.

The "Academy" is open to M1 and L3 students - with ECTS awarded upon completion of Module 2 only.

Conferences and roundtables of all modules are open to all HEC participants regardless of their program or study year, upon registration on Jobteaser (follow careers' announcements!) in the limit of seats available  but do not give access to obtaining credits (except in the two cases mentioned above).

LVMH Guest speaker 2020-2021
  • Veronique Courtois, CEO Guerlain (Feb. 4th)
  • Damien Bertrand, Managing Director Dior Couture (Nov. 19th)
  • Laure Baume, Chief Consumer Officer Moet Hennessy, Trent Power, Head of Clientelling LVMH, Antoine Auvinet,  Global Omnichannel & Client Director Celine (Jan 18th)
  • Vincent Barale, Supply Chain Director Louis Vuitton and Séverine Pinault, Supply Chain Director Fendi (March 8th)
  • Léa Baudoin, Natacha Lamour and Nicolas Stress for SHERO, EllesVMH and AlLVMHPride (April 8th) 
  • Fabien Vallerian, communication Director Ruinart and Charlie Smith, CMO Loewe (May 12th)
Guest speakers - more faculty
  • Laurent Delporte, Adjunct faculty at HEC Paris, founder Delporte consulting - module 3
  • Martine Naman, Adjunct faculty at HEC Paris, director at Rainbow gems - module 4
  • Jean Revis, Founder MAD network and David Bourguignon, both Adjunct faculty at HEC Paris - module 7
  • Laure du Pavillon, director at Ecole Lesage - module 4
  • Cécile Fouques-Duparc, Adjunct faculty at HEC Paris, mentor at Station F - module 5
  • Julie Benhammo, "serial" entrepreneur and leadership coach - module 4
  • Pascal Monfort, Founder REC trendsmarketing - module 3


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