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Armin Steinbach joining economics think-tank Bruegel

Armin Steinbach is joining the Brussels-based economic policy think tank Bruegel as non-resident fellow. Bruegel is a think tank devoted to policy research on economic issues. Bruegel’s mission is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate. 

Established in 2005, it is independent and non-doctrinal. Bruegel’s mission is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate. They are committed to impartiality, openness and excellence. Bruegel’s membership includes EU Member State governments, international corporations and institutions.

Through publications, events, social media, podcast, and a lively commentary section, Bruegel has carved a unique discussion space for everyone interested in improving the quality of economic policy, and features highly in several Think Tank awards and rankings. Through a dual focus on analysis and impact, and dynamic relationships with policymakers at every governance level, it has also established itself as a vibrant laboratory for economic policies. 

Bruegel’s research is built around a focused medium-term research programme. This programme is divided into three-year cycles, and serves as the basis of our approach to governance, research, outreach and fundraising. Within this time horizon we have an annual research programme.

Every Bruegel member plays a role in identifying research priorities on an equal footing, through collective and public discussions that takes place during statutory meetings. Both the three-year cycles as well as each annual research programme are adopted by the board each September, after discussions between Bruegel scholars, members and other stakeholders.