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Waqar ALI

Professeur Assistant

Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion

 Profile picture


Waqar received his Ph.D. in Accounting and M.S. in Management Sciences from INSEAD, his ACA certification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and his BSc (Honours) in Accounting and Finance from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). His research focuses on the real and contracting effects of financial reporting, the role of accounting in debt markets, risk management accounting, revenue recognition, and standard-setting issues. Waqar received the 2024 FARS Best Dissertation Award for his research on the Economic Effects of Standard Setting. At HEC Paris, Waqar teaches Financial Accounting and Reporting in the MBA program, and Financial Statement Analysis to Executives and Masters students. Previously, Waqar has taught financial and managerial accounting to MBA and Masters students at INSEAD, and undergraduate advanced accounting, auditing, and managerial accounting at LUMS' Suleman Dawood School of Business. Before joining academia, Waqar held positions at Grant Thornton London (UK) in Assurance and at PricewaterhouseCoopers London (UK) in Treasury Advisory and Risk Management.

Articles scientifiques

Real Effects of Hedge Accounting Standards

Journal of Accounting Research, À paraître, (in coll. with D. BENS, G. CASSAR)

Cahiers de recherche

Articles scientifiques

Real Effects of Hedge Accounting Standards

Journal of Accounting Research, À paraître, (in coll. with D. BENS, G. CASSAR)

Cahiers de recherche


  • Ph.D., Contrôle de gestion, INSEAD - France

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2023- Professeur Assistant, Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion HEC Paris
  • 2023- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting American Accounting Association FARS Mid-Year Meeting