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Information Systems et Operations Management

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Professeur Associé, Andrea Masini occupe actuellement le poste de Doyen du Corps Professoral et de la Recherche. De 2016 à 2022, il a été Doyen Associé, responsable des programmes MBA. 

Il est titulaire d'un doctorat en management de l'INSEAD, France. Avant de rejoindre HEC Paris en 2010, Andrea a été Assistant Professor of Operations and Technology Management à la London Business School. Il a une formation d'ingénieur mécanique.

Ses recherches sont centrées sur l'impact opérationnel et organisationnel des innovations technologiques, avec un accent particulier sur les systèmes d'information, les énergies renouvelables et le développement durable. Ses travaux ont été publiés, entre autre, sur M&SOM, Journal of Operations Management et Energy Policy. Ses activités d'enseignement portent sur la gestion des opérations et des supply chains ainsi que le management des innovations technologiques. Dans ces domaines, il a offert des cours pour étudiants MBA et PhD, ainsi que des séminaires pour cadres dirigeants. Il consulte régulièrement pour des organismes privés et publics sur des thèmes liés à l'optimisation des processus, les systèmes d'information et l'innovation technologique. .

Articles scientifiques

Investment decisions in the renewable energy sector: An analysis of nonfinancial drivers

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, mars 2013, vol. 80, n° 3, pp 510-524, (in coll. with E. Menichetti)

Specialized capabilities in Integrated Solutions: The Role of Fit

International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 2013, vol. 7, n° 4, pp 395-411, (in coll. with F. Ceci)

The impact of behavioural factors in the renewable energy investment decision making process: Conceptual framework and empirical findings

Energy Policy, janvier 2012, vol. 40, n° 1, pp 28-38, (in coll. with E. Menichetti)

Balancing specialized and generic capabilities in the provision of integrated solutions

Industrial and Corporate Change, février 2011, vol. 20, n° 1, pp 91-131, (in coll. with F. Ceci)

ERP Competence-Building Mechanisms: An Exploratory Investigation of Configurations of ERP Adopters in the European and U.S. Manufacturing Sectors

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, printemps 2009, vol. 11, n° 2, pp 274-298, (in coll. with L. Van Wassenhove)

Investimenti in ICT e performance aziendali: Un'analisi delle strategie di implementazione ottimali (ICT investments and firm performance: optimal implementation strategies)

Economia & Management, mars 2009, vol. 2, (in coll. with L. Van Wassenhove)

Effective Strategies for Internal Outsourcing and Offshoring of Business Services: An Empirical Investigation

Journal of Operations Management, mars 2008, vol. 26, n° 9, pp 239-256, (in coll. with Z. Aksin)

IT agility: striking the right balance

Business Strategy Review, 2008, vol. 19, n° 2, (in coll. with K. Sengupta)

Forecasting the diffusion of photovoltaic systems in southern Europe: a learning curve approach

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, janvier 2003, vol. 70, n° 1, (in coll. with P. Frankl)

Simplified Life-Cycle Analysis of PV Systems in Buildings: Present Situation and Future Trends

Progress in Photovoltaics, 1998, vol. 6, n° 2, (in coll. with D. Toccaceli, M. Gamberale, P. Frankl)

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Actes de conférence

An application of technology diffusion models to forecast long term PV market penetration

XVI European Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Conference , 2000 , Glasgow (P. Frankl)

Ecoinventories of Photovoltaic Systems

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ecobalance: "The Society of Non-Traditional Technology" , 1998 , Tsukuba (P. Frankl, M. Gamberale, D. Toccaceli)

Simplified LCA of Photovoltaic Systems

6th SETAC LCA Case Studies Symposium. The Society for environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) , 1998 , Brussels (P. Frankl)

Life-Cycle Analysis of Building-Integrated PV Systems: Optimal Solutions for Reduction Of CO2 Emission

Environmental Aspects of PV Power Systems: Summary of the IEA PVPS Task I Workshop , 1997 , Utrecht (P. Frankl)

Cahiers de recherche

The diffusion of competing innovations in a network: exploration vs. exploitation revisited

INSEAD Working Paper , 2001

Behind ERP: IT driven performance changes in European and American Firms

LBS Working Paper, OTM , 2025

The Sand Cone Model Revisited: The Impact of Service Flexibility on Quality, Delivery, and Cost.

Mimeo , 2025

What is IT Agility ? Does it Affect Organizational Performance ? A conceptualization and Some Empirical Evidence

Mimeo , 2025

Cas pédagogiques

Articles scientifiques

Impact of IT offerings strategies and IT integration capability on IT vendor value creation

European Journal of Information Systems, 2019, vol. 28, n° 6, pp 591-611, (in coll. with F. CECI, C. PRENCIPE)

Optimal Feed-In Tariff Policies: The Impact of Market Structure and Technology Characteristics

Production and Operations Management, 2 décembre 2019, vol. 28, n° 5, pp 1108-1128, (in coll. with S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI)

Is your valley as green as it should be? Incorporating economic development into environmental performance indicators

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, octobre 2018, vol. 20, n° 8, pp 1903–1915, (in coll. with S. AFLAKI, S. BASHER)

Time series properties of the renewable energy diffusion process: Implications for energy policy design and assessment

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 3 février 2015, vol. 52, pp 1680-1692, (in coll. with S. BASHER, S. AFLAKI)

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Actes de conférence

An application of technology diffusion models to forecast long term PV market penetration

XVI European Photovoltaic and Solar Energy Conference , 2000 , Glasgow (P. Frankl)

Ecoinventories of Photovoltaic Systems

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ecobalance: "The Society of Non-Traditional Technology" , 1998 , Tsukuba (P. Frankl, M. Gamberale, D. Toccaceli)

Simplified LCA of Photovoltaic Systems

6th SETAC LCA Case Studies Symposium. The Society for environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) , 1998 , Brussels (P. Frankl)

Life-Cycle Analysis of Building-Integrated PV Systems: Optimal Solutions for Reduction Of CO2 Emission

Environmental Aspects of PV Power Systems: Summary of the IEA PVPS Task I Workshop , 1997 , Utrecht (P. Frankl)

Cahiers de recherche

The Impact of Behavioral Factors in the Renewable Energy Investment Decision Making Process: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2013

Investment decisions in the renewable energy sector: an analysis of main behavioral drivers

Mimeo , 2011

Cas pédagogiques


  • International Teachers Programme, SSE Stockholm - Suède
  • Ph.D. in Management, INSEAD - France
  • Master of Science/Grande Ecole, Autre, Management, INSEAD - France
  • M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sapienza University - Italie

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2022- Doyen de la Faculté et de la Recherche HEC Paris

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Membre, INFORMS, Academy of Management

Activités scientifiques

  • Rapporteur, Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, International Journal of Production Research, Energy Policy, Management Science, Omega, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Renewable Power Generation, Electronic Markets

  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2014 First Place in the 2014 NextBillion Case Writing Competition for the case "African Solar Rise: Electrifying Rural Tanzania" (in coll. with S. Aflaki)
    • 2009 Best teacher Award, Finmeccanica
    • 2007 2008, 2010 Best Teacher Award, Warsaw University of Technology Business School
    • 2003 Oustanding TFSC paper Award
    • 1995 Esso Italiana Award for the best master thesis on energy issues