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Joseph NEHME

Professeur Associé (Education Track)

Information Systems et Operations Management

 Profile picture


Joseph Nehme est Professeur Associé au sein du département Management des Opérations et des Systèmes d'Information. Il a obtenu son Ph.D. en Management de Projets et de l'Innovation à Polytechnique - Montréal. Il a fait partie de MINE (Managing Innovation in the New Economy), le plus grand programme de recherche en sciences sociales au Canada. Ceci l'a mené à travailler auprès des grandes sociétés de conseil en Inde, Europe et Amérique du Nord.

Joseph cumule plusieurs années d'expériences en consulting et gestion de la technologie. Il est intervenu sur des programmes majeurs auprès de grands groupes financiers en Amérique du Nord et Europe.

Il est aussi membre actif du PMI et détient la certification PMP. Il forme des managers en vue de cette certification.

Articles scientifiques

How Orange Achieved Long-Term Adaptability and Value Creation by Proactively Transforming its Business

MIS Quarterly Executive, mars 2021, vol. 20, n° 1, pp 39-60, (in coll. with S. C. SRIVASTAVA, A. LUHERNE, B. KONE)

How Schlumberger Achieved Networked Information Leadership by Transitioning to a Product-Platform Software Architecture

MIS Quarterly Executive, septembre 2015, vol. 14, n° 3, pp 105-124, (in coll. with S. C. SRIVASTAVA, Horacio BOUZAS, L. CARCASSET)


Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with G. BAGLIN, L. KERBACHE, O. BRUEL, C. VAN DELFT )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

COASTAL: Group of companies mounting a manufacturing industry in Qatar

Doing Business In Qatar: Case Studies For Executive Education, W. Amann, L. Kerbache, Editions Winterwork

Actes de conférence

How ‘Zerodha’ Used Technology to Disrupt the Indian Stock Trading Industry?

Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies ICIS 2023. 8 , 2023 , Hyderabad , 2545 (S. C. SRIVASTAVA, A. AMAN)

From “Customer Service” to “Customer Empowerment”: Zerodha’s Journey to Achieve Online Stock brokerage Platform Leadership

Shaping of Innovative IS Projects through Change Requests: Scoping Factors and Project Outcomes

HICSS-49 Conference , 2016 , Hawaï (S. C. SRIVASTAVA)

Role of the system integrator in large strategic and complex projects

2nd European Conference on Management of Technology, Aston University , 2006 , Birmingham (F. CHEBIL, R. MILLER)

Articles scientifiques

How Orange Achieved Long-Term Adaptability and Value Creation by Proactively Transforming its Business

MIS Quarterly Executive, mars 2021, vol. 20, n° 1, pp 39-60, (in coll. with S. C. SRIVASTAVA, A. LUHERNE, B. KONE)

How Schlumberger Achieved Networked Information Leadership by Transitioning to a Product-Platform Software Architecture

MIS Quarterly Executive, septembre 2015, vol. 14, n° 3, pp 105-124, (in coll. with S. C. SRIVASTAVA, Horacio BOUZAS, L. CARCASSET)


Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with G. BAGLIN, L. KERBACHE, O. BRUEL, C. VAN DELFT )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

COASTAL: Group of companies mounting a manufacturing industry in Qatar

Doing Business In Qatar: Case Studies For Executive Education, W. Amann, L. Kerbache, Editions Winterwork

Actes de conférence

How ‘Zerodha’ Used Technology to Disrupt the Indian Stock Trading Industry?

Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies ICIS 2023. 8 , 2023 , Hyderabad , 2545 (S. C. SRIVASTAVA, A. AMAN)

From “Customer Service” to “Customer Empowerment”: Zerodha’s Journey to Achieve Online Stock brokerage Platform Leadership

Shaping of Innovative IS Projects through Change Requests: Scoping Factors and Project Outcomes

HICSS-49 Conference , 2016 , Hawaï (S. C. SRIVASTAVA)

Role of the system integrator in large strategic and complex projects

2nd European Conference on Management of Technology, Aston University , 2006 , Birmingham (F. CHEBIL, R. MILLER)


  • Ph.D. in Innovation Management, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal - Canada
  • Bachelor in Electrical, Engineering, American University of Beirut - Liban

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2020- Professeur Associé (Education Track), Information Systems and Operations Management HEC Paris

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • mai 2016- Reviewer for HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
  • juin 2015- Reviewer for European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Case Competition

  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2023 Kauffman Best Paper Award at the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2023) with Prof. Shirish C. Srivastava for the paper “How 'Zerodha' Used Technology to Disrupt the Indian Stock Trading Industry?”
    • 2022 Prix Syntec académique de la Recherche en Management en partenariat avec la FNEGE, pour l’article « How Orange Achieved Long-Term Adaptability and Value Creation by Proactively Transforming its Business », co-écrit par Shirish C. Srivastava (HEC Paris), Joseph J. Nehme , Alban Luherne & Bruno Kone, publié dans MIS Quarterly Executive (mars 2021)
    • 2017 Finalist, SIM Best Paper Award, Society for Information Management (SIM)
    • 2016 Prix Syntec en Management 2016, Catégorie Opérations, Contrôle, Gestion/ Systèmes d’information, pour l'article "How Schlumberger Achieved Networked Information Leadership by Transitioning to a Product-Platform Software Architecture”, MIS Quarterly Executive