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Yujie YAO


Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion

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I am a first-year PhD student in Accounting and Management Control. My research interests lie ​in the financial accounting and green accounting covering short selling, information disclosure and ESG-related topics. Through careful observation of social phenomena, I greatly hope my research can be closely combined with practice and applied to solve social problems.

I received the MSc in Finance from Johns Hopkins University and BSc in Management from Ocean University of China. Before joining HEC Paris, I also served as a research assistant at Southern University of Science and Technology.

Research interests: Short selling, Information disclosure, Green accounting.


  • Master of Science in Finance with concentration Financial Econometrics, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School - Etats-Unis
  • Bachelor of Management and Financial Management, Ocean University of China - Chine

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2022- Membre d'une équipe de recherche, GREGHEC HEC Paris
  • 2022- Doctorant, Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion HEC Paris

Prix ​​& honneurs

  • 2022 HEC Paris Foundation Scholarship, 2022-2023