S&O Inclusive Economy Day 2025 - The third edition
The Inclusive Economy Center of HEC Paris is very pleased to invite you to the third edition of the S&O Inclusive Economy Day on Friday, March 28th, 2025 at Pan Piper, 2-4 Impasse Lamier, 75011 Paris. Explore insights on fostering social connectivity, social justice, and collective action for systemic change

Join us for an engaging event bridging cutting-edge management research with innovative real-world practices to tackle social challenges. To enable management scholars and practitioners to meet and mutually enrich each other, we will also break out into small discussion groups to explore key challenges that organizations face, such as employee engagement with sustainability issues, entrepreneurship and social vulnerabilities, and human rights.
9:00 a.m. - Welcome coffee
9:30 a.m. - Welcoming address:
Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, Associate Professor of Strategy & Business Policy, Co-Founder of the S&O Institute and Executive Director of the Inclusive Economy Center, HEC Paris and Brian Hill, Research Director, CNRS, Professor of Economics & Decision Sciences, HEC Paris and Academic Director of the S&O Inclusive Economy Center, HEC Paris.
Plenary Sessions
9:45 a.m. - Social connections in decline? yet critical to economic life
What is the state of play today in terms of social connectivity, loneliness, trust and life satisfaction? What role do social ties play in economic life? In this session, we will explore both macro-economic global trends and micro-realities demonstrating how social ties shape economic outcomes (and vice-versa). Recent, cutting-edge research suggests the urgent need for us to reconnect across socio-economic divides and promote the development and growth of bridging social capital.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Yann Algan, Professor of Economics, HEC Paris and Associate Dean of Pre-experience Programs
- Aparajita Agarwal, PhD Candidate, The Wharton School
- Charles-Edouard Vincent, Founder & President, Lulu dans ma rue
--> Moderated by Marieke Huysentruyt, Associate Professor of Strategy & Business Policy and Academic Director of the S&O Institute.
11:00 a.m. - Coffee Break
11:30 a.m. - Governing Collective Action: Vector for Systemic Change?
How do various types of organizations coordinate to address complex social and environmental challenges? This session explores the unique strengths of different organizations in addressing complex social and environmental challenges. It highlights the most effective strategies for fostering collaborations that drive meaningful, systemic change.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Aline Gatignon, Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School
- Ilze Kivleniece, Assistant Professor of Strategy, INSEAD
- Gilles Vermot-Desroches, Chief Corporate Citizenship Officer and Instutional Affairs Senior Vice-President, Schneider Electric.
--> Moderated by Leandro Nardi, Assistant Professor of Strategy & Business Policy, HEC Paris S&O Institute affiliated
12:45 p.m. - Lunch Break
2:00 p.m. - Social Product Labeling: New Era of Possibility?
Could labelling products with measures of their social impact (inequality, human rights credentials etc) be a lever to promote resiliently sustainable firm behavior? This session will discuss current research and insights, and explore best practices for fruitful implementation.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Patricia Crifo, Professor of Economics, École Polytechnique and Researcher, CREST
- Brian Hill, Research Director, CNRS, Professor of Economics & Decision Sciences, HEC Paris and Academic Director of the S&O Inclusive Economy Center
- Pierre-Martin Huet, Senior Vice President of Sustainable Development & Impact, Michelin.
--> Moderated by Brian Hill
3:15p.m. - Coffee Break
Brainstorming Sessions
(5 sessions in parallel, starting at 3:45 p.m.)
How to (or not) Mobilize Employees to Take Sustainability Actions
How to empower employees to ‘see’ sustainability at work, talk about sustainability, and take sustainability actions? What are promising, concrete strategies for large companies to motivate their workforce to talk about sustainability, to see the link between their everyday work and sustainability, and take sustainability actions? What are common obstacles and ways to overcome them? This session brings together leading practitioners and scholars to exchange insights and brainstorm about the next generation strategies that engage and leverage the power of everyone (say, blue- and white-collar workers) to contribute to a more sustainable, inclusive society.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Patricia Benchenna, Director Corporate Philanthroy, Schneider Electric
- Marieke Huysentruyt, Associate Professor of Strategy and Academic Director of the HEC S&O Institute and the HEC S&O Impact Company LAB
- Florencio Portocarrero, Assistant Professor of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science
Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Social Transformation in Vulnerable Contexts
How can entrepreneurship inspire and drive transformation in vulnerable communities? This session brings together entrepreneurs and management scholars to explore how entrepreneurship serves as a catalyst for change while also addressing the key challenges of effectively engaging and supporting stakeholders in such contexts.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Octavio de Barros, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, HEC Paris
- Leandro Nardi, Assistant Professor of Strategy, HEC Paris
- Sandra Portocarrero, Assistant Professor of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Nathalie Riond, Affiliate Professor of Economics & Decision Sciences and Academic Director of ESS HEC Accelerator & Stand Up program, HEC Paris.
- Bouchra Rahmouni, Head of Social Innovation Lab, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic
- Dan Wang, Lambert Family Professor of Social Enterprise and (by courtesy) Sociology, Columbia Business School
Beyond Numbers: Human Rights Disclosures in Global Supply Chains
How can diverse actors—regulators, corporations, academics, and practitioners—collaborate to address human rights violations such as forced labour in international supply chains? This session explores the evolving practice of non-financial disclosures on forced labour, focusing on designing appropriate measures and tracking their use throughout the supply chain, from the ground through the corporation to regulators.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Charles Autheman, Lecturer in Business & Human Rights, HEC Paris
- Finia Kuhlmann, Assistant Professor of Accounting & Management Control, HEC Paris
- Elsa Savourey, Business and Human Rights Lawyer, UN Working Group
Addressing issues of regional inequality
How can we balance urban prosperity with rural development? Economic, cultural and political divergence of large and small cities is progressing. This, inter alia, undermines the equality of chances, creates pockets of poverty and geographical segregation. While it is understood that different locations have different comparative advantages and that agglomeration-productivity nexus is operative, what should be and can be done to alleviate the problems of remote/rural areas while promoting economic prosperity?
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Jacques Berger, Director, Action Tank
- Clément Bosquet, Professor of Economics, Sorbonne Economics Center
- Emmanuel Brochot, Co-Founder, Bouge ton Coq
- Tomasz Michalski, Associate Professor of Economics & Decision Sciences, HEC Paris.
- Gilles Noël, Mayor of Varzy, France (58210), Vice-President of Association des Maires Ruraux de France (AMRF)
Tackling the apparent and latent mental health issues in the society
How can regulators, corporations, communities, associations, entrepreneurs, and individuals help address the grand challenge of mental health issues manifesting in society? The session will explore the role that technology, academics and practitioners can play in improving mental health and wellbeing.
with the academic and practitioner perspectives of:
- Alain Desvigne, Co-Founder & CEO, Amarenco
- Sylvie Lemmet, Ambassador for the Environment, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, & Co-Founder of Fondation Bea
- Shirish Srivastava, Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management, HEC Paris
5:45 p.m. - Conclusion
6:00 p.m. - Networking Cocktail
This event is in partnership with

with the participation of engaged organizations

and renowed academics

Event Location
Pan Piper, 2-4 Imp. Lamier, 75011 Paris
Welcome to Pan Piper, a one-of-a-kind modern venue located in the heart of Paris.
Pan Piper is built on rich and colourful history: it was originally a flower market, before becoming a luxury leather goods factory and then a theatre and music venue. Tucked away in a quiet cul de sac in the vibrant 11th arrondissement of Paris. The name Pan Piper is a nod to jazz musician Miles Davies.
The venue is deeply attached to its ever-changing neighbourhood, and the team always strive to keep the local community dynamic and protect her environment: innovative building and solar panels, wheelchair access, waste storing, all-inclusive package, in-house caterer etc."
Have a look to previous editions: video sessions, presented papers,...
For more information about this event, please contact Elisabeth de Réals: dereals@hec.fr
We look forward to this inspiring and exciting day!