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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

Les coachs sont vraiment très utiles tout au long du workshop, ils nous donnent des conseils et la voie du bon chemin, sans nous donner la réponse.

Story quote - Digital Entrepreneur Junior - Jean-Alexandre Gaultier

Youth Programs

Digital Entrepreneur Junior

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

Pendant ces trois jours j’ai appris des choses que je ne verrais jamais en cours et qui me permet de me faire un propre avis sur les startups et le fonctionnement de l’avenir.

Story quote - Digital Entrepreneur Junior - Hugo Brehaux

Youth Programs

Digital Entrepreneur Junior

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

The Youth Leadership Initiative taught me essential communication and leadership skills that have equipped me to become a globlal changemaker.

Story quote - Youth Leadership Initiative - Athena Yeung

Youth Leadership Initiative

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

Ce programme m’a permis de concrétiser mon choix d’orientation et de vivre un avant-goût d’une expérience entrepreneuriale.

Photo Constance de Parcevaux

Youth Programs

Digital Entrepreneur Junior

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

This program is a unique opportunity to learn from caring and passionate speakers, and to connect with a dynamic and motivated group of people from around the world who share your goal of improving their impact through communication. 

High Impact Communication - Nathan Schermack

High Impact Communication

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

An empowering program which leaves an impact on you. I feel inspired, empowered, and uplifted.

Neeshka Chavhan - Youth Leadership Initiative

Youth Leadership Initiative

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Youth Programs 15-18 yrs

Explorez l’univers de l’entrepreneuriat à travers une expérience immersive et collaborative.

Ieva Gaigala

Directrice Académique Junior Entrepreneur Bootcamp

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