Data Science for Management Certificate Data Science for Management Certificate
The « Data for Management » Certificate has been created by two leading schools, HEC Paris and Ecole Polytechnique, in order to best respond to the increasing impact of Data on managers’ day-to-day lives, from the use of big data to the AI revolution.
The program is open to a limited number of highly motivated students who must demonstrate a keen interest in data management and business analytics.
The certificate aims to increase knowledge in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in order for students to grow into senior managerial roles, develop their future businesses and become actors of the data revolution.
The certificate is an intensive program: 4 weeks and 4 days per week, for a total of 130 hours.
The Certificate is structured around 8 core modules:
- Online courses on Python and R Programming Languages
- Data for Management Issues (6h)
- Advanced Analytics (8h)
- Startup Day (8h)
- Data Impact on Business (8h)
- Data Camps (52h)
- Legal for Data (4H)
- Business Challenge (45h)
The Datacamp platform will be used during this Certificate (datacamp.com/fr)
Professors and professionals
- Vincent Fraitot, Scientific Director, Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris, Scientific Director of the MSc Data Science for Business (HEC/Ecole Polytechnique)
- Julie Josse, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, Scientific Director of the MSc Data Science for Business (HEC/Ecole Polytechnique)
- Julien Lévy, Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris, Director of HEC IDEA Center, Head of the Chair AXA Digital strategy and big data
- Gauthier Labalette, Founder Pythora - Data Intelligence Services
- Ghislain Mazars, Founder and CEO Ubeeko
- Thierry Driver, Academic Marketing Manager at Tableau Software
- Statistics and Machine Learning Professors from Ecole Polytechnique
Guest Speakers
- Elise Dufour, Partner, Bignon Lebray