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Master in Accounting, Finance & Management

Learn from HEC’s world-class faculty and interact with inspiring students from the best Universities around the world.

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Student testimonials

Master's programs

Many professors in our program are from leading financial advisory firms and the ‘Big 4’. Their rich experience allows us to gain insights tightly linked to the real business world. They are so accessible, always expecting us to ask questions and...

Master in Accounting, Finance & Management


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Master's programs

AFM provides excellent training in corporate finance, financial accounting and performance measurement. Its diversity opens many career windows, within consulting and investment banking, for example. The program’s uniqueness lies in the hands-on...

Master in Accounting, Finance & Management


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Academic Team

Your generation will have to embrace the business challenges of the 21st century, brought on by increased globalization. Growing uncertainty around the changing economic landscape has allowed new opportunities to emerge, in fields such as cyber security or climate change. Innovation and entrepreneurial activities spur growth on a global scale. Data analytics help us understand complex market phenomena, and AI & block chain technologies promise new levels of productivity and human interaction. Such issues are, or will soon be, the main topics for the leaders in Finance and Business around the world.

Why Accounting, Finance & Management then?

Aware as you are of the challenges ahead, you want to master the hard skills essential to a job in the ever-evolving business world, where you will no doubt make your mark.

Alongside English, Accounting & Finance is the main language of business, and the AFM program will help you become fluent. Whether you want to enter corporate financial management positions – from Financial Advisory or M&A to Business Analysis or Internal Auditing & Risk management – or start a career in Strategy or Management consulting, you will develop the appropriate set of skills to run the first miles.

Beyond helping you develop these skills, the following features make the AFM program at HEC stand out:

  • being part of a small cohort immersed in an academic environment with a unique approach based on interactive teaching;
  • having direct access to world-class researchers and professionals in Accounting, Corporate Finance and Strategy;
  • belonging to a broad and vibrant business community on campus and beyond, thanks to our Alumni network.

Before all else, students on the AFM program are students of HEC, united in their open-mindedness, academic excellence and awareness of their responsibilities. The program allows students to improve their soft skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication.

We aim to support our students and help them become responsible young professionals.

Along with the AFM team, I am very much looking forward to accompanying you on your journey here at HEC.

Pascale Defline






Pascale Defline

  • HEC Paris Professors

Sebastian Becker, Associate Professor
Pascale Defline, Associate Professor (Education Track)
Georg Wernicke, Associate Professor
Patrick Legland, Affiliate Professor
Hélène Löning, Associate Professor
Daniel Martinez, Associate Professor
Etienne Krieger, Affiliate Professor
Hervé Stolowy, Professor
Michael Loy, Affiliate Professor
Olivier Levyne, Affiliate Professor
David Twardowski Crvelin, Assistant Professor
Luc Paugam, Associate Professor
Pepa Kraft, Associate Professor


  • Practioners and Experts

David Willems, PWC
Philippe Chazalon, Finance 3.1
Christophe Marion, FinHarmony
Sary Maalouf, 8Advisory
David Cohen, PWC
Pierre Phan Van Phi, EY
Peter Harbula, SPIE
Nicolas Burdeau, Deloitte Corporate Finance
Bénédicte Thibord, Exane BNP
Hélène Hertz, Hélène de Lylle Conseil
Alexis Joulié, Venturistic
Léon Rouille, McKinsey
Charline Jan, Proparco
Louis Faure, Eotekum
Henri Philippe, Accuracy
Florence Saliba, AFTE
Luc Jonveaux & Stéphane Bouche Osochowski, MottMcDonald
Jean-Alexandre Privesse & Clothilde Laverdure, Accuracy



HEC Paris is one of the world’s top research schools in economics and management. Our faculty push the boundaries of knowledge by producing the highest quality research. They aim to have an impact on pedagogy, management practices, public policies and society at large.

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