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Specializations: Strategy Specializations: Strategy

The Strategy Specialization introduces advanced frameworks and a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques to achieve profitable and sustainable growth in dynamic market and nonmarket environments.

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Finding future sources of business growth in the circular economy is the single most important strategy problem of top executives and the focus of a large fraction of the projects commissioned to consulting companies.

The MBA Strategy Specialization has been designed to cater to this ‘triple bottom line’ positioning while focusing on the role of the strategist as an integrator of the different functional areas of a company.

Given the cross-disciplinary nature of strategy, the specialization draws on several social sciences such as economics, social psychology, and political science, as well as on applied strategy subfields. The in-class cases and exercises span functional, geographic, and industry boundaries.

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  1. Contact with top scholars, consultants, and guest speakers
  2. Unique teaching methodology in an immersive environment with a balanced exposure to qualitative vs. quantitative techniques and macro vs. micro problems
  3. A state-of-the-art curriculum and a journey of self-improvement where participants learn more about themselves as decision makers and individuals


  1. Learn how to make decisions and structure organizations to avoid biases and efficiently execute strategy
  2. Develop profitable and sustainable business models and create new market space through innovation
  3. Know how to compete successfully and act responsibly towards other stakeholders and the environment


Sample Courses

Advanced Strategy · Behavioral Strategy · Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Growth · Business, Government and Civil Society · Successful Strategy Mobilization · Technology Strategy: Platforms and AI · Thinking Strategically: Applied Game Theory for Business

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