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The S&O Center designed and created these Massive Open Online Courses to accompany all those who want to have a positive impact on society.  Participants learn how to put ideas into action.

MOOC HEC Ticket for Change

Time to Reorganize

"Time to reorganize! Understand organizations, act, and build a meaningful world", led by Rodolphe Durand, professor of Strategy at HEC Paris.

The MOOC entitled ‘Time to Reorganize’ is an integrative approach to understanding organizations (termed ‘orgology’) by Professor Rodolphe Durand. It explores how organizations can act strategically to protect or renew a sense of belonging in individuals; how in turn individuals—all of us—must reinterpret our multiple associations with organizations, and how that contributes to helping or hindering social evolution.

This MOOC is taught in English with French subtitles.


Ticket for Change

"Devenir entrepreneur du changement" (Becoming entrepreneurs of change), led by Frédéric Dalsace, Associate professor of Marketing at HEC Paris, Bénédicte Faivre-Tavignot, HEC Paris Affiliate professor, and Florian Hoos, Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting and Management Control at HEC Paris.

This MOOC is dedicated to social entrepreneurship, and developed by professors of the HEC Society and Organizations Center, in partnership with Ticket for Change of which HEC Paris is a platinum partner. The project aims to inspire and help aspiring entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in society.

The MOOC is based on individual and collective action learning for each participant through three different stages: inspiration, introspection, and implementation.