HEC Paris Activity Report - academic year 2023-2024
HEC Paris Activity Report HEC Paris Activity Report“Think, Teach, Act”: our actions for impact and the common good
Activity report
HEC Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute
Last year was filled with major milestones for the HEC Paris Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute. This report reflects the collective effort of our entire ecosystem, highlighting the impact we've achieved and the success stories of startups that have gone through our diverse programs.
Hi! PARIS Center: Revolutionizing ai & data science for society
Discover Hi PARIS 2023's main achievements in Research, Education and Innovation.
Hi! PARIS is the Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created by Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris and joined by Inria .
HEC Foundation: Impact Tomorrow
A world-class academic institution with incredible vitality, HEC Paris is increasingly asserting itself as an extraordinary platform for impact, serving both the economy and society. In a world like ours, we are convinced that education is at the heart of the solution, and academic excellence is an extremely valuable common good.
As the academic year draws to a close, on behalf of the whole HEC Paris team it is my pleasure to present the traditional Activity Report. As always, it includes highlights of this past year, illustrating our “Think, Teach, Act” philosophy in action. But of course, HEC remains a non-profit academic institution dedicated to the public good, and as such you will also find in these pages numerous examples of our school’s ongoing commitment to being a force for change as we tackle the great societal challenges of the age.
It is in all likelihood because nearly 2,000 outstanding students from over 100 countries graduate from HEC each year that our school is considered first and foremost a provider of talent. However, the raison d’être that we redefined together just one year ago is infinitely richer than that. The collective ambition to have an impact on the world, in the service of a more sustainable, prosperous and inclusive society. And this ambition means that we must put all our energy into better defining the outlines of our impact. In concrete terms, we need to embody it within the motto «Think, Teach and Act » that defines so well the mission of our school.