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Master's programs

Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC

Master the key skills in both data science and finance with the best engineering school and the best business school in France.

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Master in International Finance
QS ranking 2025


MSc Data Science for Business
QS rankings 2025


Median GMAT


International Students


Graduation rate

Source : 2022 Graduation survey & Admission Statistics 2023 intake

This program is a double degree offered jointly by Ecole Polytechnique and HEC Paris, combining over two years the academic expertise of the best engineering school in France and the best business school in France. The students who go through the Data & Finance program obtain the MSc&T degree from Ecole Polytechnique and the MIF degree from HEC Paris.

1st year: Data Science at Ecole Polytechnique

During your first year at Ecole Polytechnique, you will get a thorough training on data science, with courses in statistics, probability, regression and classification, as well as more focused modules on optimization, machine learning and notably deep learning, with hands-on hard skills training using Python and R programming languages. You will also start to explore Financial Markets and numerical processing of Financial Data.

2nd year: Finance at HEC Paris

During your second year, you will earn 70 ECTS (of the 140 ECTS needed for the Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC) going through dedicated parts of HEC Paris’s Master in Finance program, which has been at the top of the Financial Times world rankings the for over a decade now. In the first-half of the Fall semester, you will follow Core Courses in the Accelerated or Business Track to reach intermediate-level knowledge of Corporate Finance, Securities Markets, Financial Accounting, together with a specific Empirical Methods in Finance course. In the second half-of the Fall semester you will follow the Capital Markets Specialization. In the Spring you will take two Advanced Core courses and follow the the Data and Finance Concentration. The latter is composed of courses on Algorithm, Data and Trading, Blockchain, Data Analysis in Finance and Numerical Analysis. In addition to your Data & Finance Concentration’s courses, you will take four electives among 25+ on offer, including (but not limited to) AI & Decision Making, AI & Investment Management, AI for Quantitative Trading Strategies.


Why join the Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC?


Selling point 1Get the best education in Finance and Data Science
HEC Paris Master in International Finance is ranked number one worldwide (2022 FT Rankings / QS RANKING 2024)
Ecole Polytechnique- HEC MSc Data Science for Business is ranked number 3 worldwide (2024 QS Rankings ).

Selling point 2 Benefit from a perfect balance of theory and practice
This program is taught by world class researchers as well as influential practitioners.

Selling point 3 Tap into the extensive professional opportunities offered by HEC Paris and Ecole Polytechnique  
HEC Paris’s expansive alumni network gathers more than 80,000 graduates in over 130 countries. With Ecole Polytechnique, you are part of an alumni community of over 30,000 members, who play a key role in supporting the development of the School. 

 Selling point 4Make the most of 2 world-renowned institutions for career placement and opportunities
Numerous fairs, workshops, conferences with leaders and one-to-one sessions are organized to help you fast-track your career. 



Discover some of the key reasons for following a Master's program at HEC Paris in this video.


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