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S&O: HEC Hub of resources on Sustainability

Our offer to the HEC community

Established in 2009 as a pioneering entity within HEC Paris, the Sustainability & Organizations Insitute is an interdisciplinary institute, fostering a community of researchers, business leaders, organizations and individuals deeply committed to serving a sustainable and just transition. As we believe that economic actors are powerhouses to achieve this goal, we advocate for a responsible creation, a sharing of economic value, and a decarbonized economy that serves both human and planetary well-being.

Our purpose is to reinvent business through promoting sustainability and unleashing human potential.

In this page, you will find at a glance what S&O offer to the HEC community (faculty, students and staff) and how it supports them.

header page hub of resources

S&O: Hub of Resources


S&O is a financially self-sustaining hub of resources. It is the cornerstone of HEC’s outreach on Purpose & Sustainability through:

  • Academic influence: top-notch academic publications, science popularization (through a collection of impact reports), awarded case studies…
  • Attractiveness for students and faculty including bonuses for top scholars’ recruitments
  • Research funding: research budgets, Phd scholarships, post-docs recruitment, databases financing, visiting professors grants...
  • Pedagogical innovation:
  1. Dedicated to all HEC programs master's degree (SASI), MBA track (TSDI), executive programs
  2. Contribution to core curriculum permeation: pedagogical engineering, case writing, funding of teaching assistants/study trips/renowned speakers…
  • Contribution to students and staff projects
  • Raising awareness on societal issues through conferences

S&O supports research

PhD Visiting Scholarship
For doctoral students visiting top universities (Submit your proposal)

Research funding
To support projects linked to S&O topics (data collection, translation, editing), finance F budgets, acquire new databases, ... (Submit your request for funding)

Visiting professors
A budget and an office to receive top academics working on S&O topics (Submit your proposal)


S&O supports the pedagogy

Pedagogical innovation funding
For a case writer, a teaching assistant, an innovative project on our topics (Submit your project)

Learning experience support
To finance a study trip for students, find/finance an impactful speaker (Submit your project)

Research funding

To support projects linked to S&O topics (data collection, translation, editing), finance F budget, acquire new database, ... (Submit your request for funding)


PhD Visiting Scholarship

For doctoral students visiting top universities. Condition being that the study subject is linked to S&O themes (Submit your proposal)


Medici Summer School in Management Studies

An opportunity to participate to a one-week doctoral program, co-sponsored and organized yearly in turn by S&O Institute HEC Paris, MIT Sloan and Bologna Business School, destined for 25 selected doctoral students and young researchers around the world in organization theory and related fields (economic sociology, management studies, strategy)

Learn more


S&O Research Day

A two-day event gathering yearly the S&O network of 50-60 academics for 20 paper presentations and 2-3 keynote speeches on our topics


Access to HEC professors' research (to help for thesis work for example)

Access to Conferences that mix academics and practioners and Research Seminars to deepen knowledge on S&O topics



25+ programs/year for 2500+ students trained per year, such as...

L3 The Purpose and Sustainability Track (learning expedition, hands-on experience, community service, Planetary boundaries course, ...)
L3 Academies

Circular Economy

M1 and M2 Electives

Purpose Game
Effective Teamwork
Find your purpose
Companionship for a Purposeful Career
Smart Cities
Circular Economy

Certificates opened to Masters, MBA, and Executive

Inclusive & Social Business Certificate
Climate & Business Certificate
Energy & Finance Certificate

M2 Major in Sustainability & Social innovation (SASI)
MBA Sustainable and Disruptive Innovation Track
Executive Education Executive certificates: LEAD Campus: Sustainable Leadership in Africa, Change Management & Leadership for Sustainability, Sustainability Essentials.
Executive short program: Sustainable Transition Management
Executive MSc Master: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (100% online)
Custom Programs: Leadership and Sustainability
coming soon CLARITY



S&O communicates on student events and initiatives

through its internal and external networks, social media and newsletters (Example: The Earth Week organized by the ESP'R environmental students association)

S&O supports financially student projects

linked to pedagogy (Example: The HEC United students association, that contacts HEC Alumni by travelling around the world)

S&O mobilizes its corporate network

for the SASI students business projects (Example: The MSc SASI (Master in Sustainability and Social Innovation))


Jobs (RampUp)

S&O offers students jobs such as teaching assistantship, work on case study, translation & proof reading, on our topics

  • HEC Insights - Transition series conferences: Lunchtime lectures by external speakers providing a deeper understanding of the major environmental and societal issues of our time and debating on solutions to the ecological and human crises we are experiencing

    HEC Insight Transition series Timothée Parrique   HEC Insight Transition series Yannick Servant Sophie Robert-Velut


  • Workshops such as La Fresque du Climat and Atelier 2 tonnes

         La Fresque Du Climat    Atelier 2 Tonnes


  • Impact reports and Fact Sheets to better understand the stakes
HEC Impact Report Social Impact HEC Impact Report Accelerating collaborations HEC Impact Report Inclusive Business HEC Impact Report Smart Cities

S&O Events 2024

S&O  Days

It gather researchers, practitioners and representants of our partner companies for a day of presentations, panels and debates

3 s&O days


S&O Research Day

June 22-23  (HEC campus): The 9th edition of the S&O Research Day, led by Professor Georg Wernicke

Poster S&O Research Day 2021  Poster S&O Research Day 2022  S&O Research Day 2023Stay tuned for the 2024 edition 

Medici Summer School in Management Studies

June 23-28 (Bologna, Italy): One-week doctoral program, co-sponsored and organized yearly in turn by S&O Institute HEC Paris, MIT Sloan and Bologna Business School, destined for 25 selected doctoral students and young researchers

Learn more

S&O Contact and Networks

S&O team


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