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The HEC Foundation campaign committee

Since our fundraising campaign Impact tomorrow was launched in 2019, the Campaign Committee members have been working hard to reinforce the efforts of teams at the Foundation and School. We would like to thank them warmly for their enthusiasm and time. Thanks to the efforts of donors and volunteers, we have managed to reach the incredible milestone of €150 M in funds raised.

The president of the Campaign Committee

We take great pleasure in working together to serve the School, alongside a highly committed professional team. Président du Comité de campagne la Fondation HEC


The members of the France Campaign Committee

Members of the UK Campaign Committee

Members of Friends of HEC Inc.

A huge thanks to all our volunteers, who find the energy and time to support causes that they care about. They are having a truly decisive impact on HEC Paris!

Fondation - profil O.sevillia
Olivier Sevillia (MBA.90), President of the HEC Foundation