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HEC Paris MBA Council

MBA participants have their own student government, the HEC Paris MBA Council.


Photo of MBA Council

Created to represent the interests of all MBA participants, the Council is the main liaison between the MBA student body and faculty and administration. Its goal is to make student life as rewarding as possible. Council representatives organize many of the fun activities that take place both on and off campus, including integration weekends, new student Welcome Days, lakeside barbecues and more. The Council also oversees the student clubs and their events, and is in charge of the creation and funding of new clubs.


The HEC Paris MBA Council’s mission is to represent the interests of current, future and (indirectly) past MBA participants. Our mission is to showcase the quality of HEC Paris student body among the world's top business schools, and to ensure that HEC Paris MBA students have the best MBA experience possible. The HEC Paris MBA Council's responsibilities start the moment an offer of admission is extended to a participant, and continue until graduation.


The HEC Paris MBA Council is a member of a non-for-profit registered legal entity (the HEC Paris Students' Union) under which all of the HEC Paris MBA clubs exist. The MBA Tournament is also a member of the same non-for-profit registered legal entity.

The HEC Paris MBA Council has an office staffed by 19 elected participants including a President, a Vice President, 2 Treasurers and Officers and Executive Members who are collectively responsible for student activities. They are elected bi-annually, according to MBA intake, and they normally hold office from July-December and January-June.

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The Council embodies the collective vision of the student body and deploys resources in accordance with that vision.  In doing so, we strive to foster campus integration, enable professional transformations, and contribute to the continuous improvement of our MBA experience. Alexandre Marc,Spring 2019 MBA Council President