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The Global Partnership for effective Development Co-operation

SASI students business project with Schneider Electric

Outreach and communication strategy for private sector engagement through development co-operation

The Global Partnership for effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC) is a joint initiative launched by the United Nations Development programme and the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate. GDPEC is an inclusive alliance of partners from public and private sectors that wish to enhance development co-operation efficiency. GDPEC aims at scaling up Private Sector Engagement (PSE) through development co-operation partnerships.

SASI students supported the GPEDC team on their outreach and communication strategy amongst a diverse private sector audience. 


Four main missions


1- Drafting of an Outreach and Communication Strategy

The objective was to raise awareness on the principles and guidelines for effective PSE established by the GPEDC. They identified the targeted audience and created a meaningful message to spread across different communication tools.

2- Creation of a Guide for Business

This step aimed at helping business leaders to understand the 10 most important business opportunities behind adopting the guidelines and principles of the GPEDC. SASI students had to identify best practices through case examples relevant to best PSE performance. 

3- Creation of a Contact List

The point of this mission was to combine several contacts from the OECD network and experts of PSE as well as other relevant contact the students reached out to.

4- Ongoing support on other activities

SASI students also had the opportunity to help the DPEDC staff to introduce their principles and guidelines at the UN Senior level Meeting, highlighting the benefits of working with the private sector to achieve the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).  

Development co-operation is complex, due to the range of stakeholders involved: donor governments and their aid agencies, local governments, civil society, trade and labour unions, the private sector and others. It was interesting to learn about the dynamics between these different stakeholders. 


Key conclusions and learnings

At the end of their missions, this two SASI students came to the conclusion that the private sector plays a critical role in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The private sector’s commitment to SDGs is currently too low and needs to be enhanced. Master’s degree students also realized that working within a multilateral organization requires patience and rigorousness. So many parties are involved and have the right to provide input which increases the length of the process.