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Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC

The program welcomes high potential students and recent graduates from around the world. An initial selection is based on the evaluation of all application elements. Pre-selected students are then invited to a challenging interview (on Zoom or on campus).


Double Degree Data & Finance X-HEC

Hold a Bachelor or Master's degree from an international institution 

We welcome applications from candidates of all nationalities, who are fluent in English and who have a solid quantitative background as well as a strong interest to pursue a career in areas related with data and finance.

  • Bachelor or Master degree
  • Strong quantitive skills (e.g., prior coursework that can be in mathematics, statistics, economics, econometrics, physics, engineering, data science, as well as business or management with outstanding math skills) 
  • Previous experience in data analysis and/or finance 


- Your application and supporting documents will be evaluated by a member of the HEC Paris admissions team to determine your fit for the program.

- If selected, candidates will then be invited to a two-step online interview with both École Polytechnique and HEC Paris.

Step One: Interview with École Polytechnique

  •  During this interview, the jury will assess each candidate’s quantitative skills. If the jury determines that the skills displayed in the interview are strong, candidates will then be invited to the second interview.

Step Two: Interview with HEC Paris

  • During this interview, the jury will assess each candidate’s suitability for the program and potential for success once the program is complete.

- Due to the structure of this program, the interview process may be longer than other degree programs that are offered. We therefore ask candidates to please wait at least 24 hours after the dates listed on this page to request information about their application and admission status.

Apply online at:​  

Supporting documents to be up-loaded before the application deadline:

  • Degree certificate(s) or current enrollment certificate
  • All official academic transcripts obtained in a higher education institution (exchange programs included) with official GPA
  • Résumé (CV)
  • GMAT (including GMAT Focus) or GRE (including GRE shorter version) or TageMage official score report. Please note that no minimum score is required to apply.
    • GMAT and GMAT Focus: If taken online, please upload a screenshot of your results to your application and send your official score report to our institution via
    • GRE and GRE shortened version: Please upload your test taker score report to your application and send your scores via ETS using code 3623. A department code is not required.
  • English language proficiency test score report: TOEFL or TOEIC (Bridge or Listening and Reading or Speaking and Writing) or IELTS or Cambridge. Please note that, no minimum pass score is required to apply. This test is waived only for the following: 
    • English natives (please upload a scan of your passport)
    • Students who have earned a degree from an institution in which ALL instruction is conducted in English. The official language of the degree program has to be stated in the degree certificate or its supplement, or in the transcript of records
  • 2 completed online reference forms (at least one should be filled out by a professor)
    • Reference letters must be submitted by the application deadline for each round.
    • We recommend asking for references at least four (4) weeks before the application deadline.
    • Any reference letter uploaded directly by the candidate to their application must be in PDF format and include the signature of the referee.
  • Passport-style photo
  • Non-refundable application fee of €160.


  • Round 1: October 10th, 2024 at 12pm (noon) CEST
  • Round 2: January 6th, 2025 at 12pm (noon) CET
  • Round 3: February 27th, 2025 at 12pm (noon) CET
  • Round 4: April 14th, 2025 at 12pm (noon) CEST



  • Round 1: October 31st, 2024
  • Round 2: January 28th, 2025
  • Round 3: March 20th, 2025
  • Round 4: May 12th, 2025



  • Round 1: November 22nd, 2024 at 6pm
  • Round 2: February 18th, 2025 at 6pm
  • Round 3: April 11th, 2025 at 6pm
  • Round 4: June 3rd, 2025 at 6pm


* may be subject to change

The intake will take place on September 1st 2025 on Campus.