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PhD Program

Kristine de Valck, Poets&Quants' Professor of the Week

Kristine de Valck, Director of the HEC PhD program, Poets&Quants' Professor of the Week with an interesting reading: "Keeping Binge TV Watching from Ruining Your Life".


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With her co-authors,Stephanie Feiereisen (Associate Professor of Marketing at Montpellier Business School), Dina Rasolofoarison-Schmitt (alumnus HEC PhD, Researcher at University of Paris Dauphine) and Julien Schmitt (alumnus HEC PhD, Associate Professor of Marketing at ESCP Europe), she delves deeply into the media consumption habits of young adults and suggests some ways to ameliorate the downside of always-on media. Their study appeared in the Journal of Business Research.

The digital revolution has transformed entertainment, putting programming in the hands of individual users. Millennials especially have taken to the new technologies, accessing movies and television shows from their phones and other devices, viewing whenever it’s convenient for them, and even binge-watching whole series dropped simultaneously by Amazon, Netflix, and others. 

Read the article here