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Energy Transition: Why the EU is going black instead of green

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In this video, Jean-Michel Gauthier, Affiliate Professor of Energy Economics & Finance, explains that even though the world has gone through one of the worst recessions ever, the energy market only shows little sign of moving on to a more sustainable path.

Jean-Michel Gauthier is the head of the Energy & Finance Chair at HEC Paris, cooperation between Deloitte and Société Générale Investment and Corporate Banking. Chief economist at Deloitte since 2011, Professor Gauthier is a recognized expert on energy regulations, markets and economics.

Energy Transition: Why the EU is going black instead of green

Whilst recognizing the energy transition as a European concept, Professor Gauthier recalls the main objectives of the European Union for boasting energy efficiency under the energy roadmap 2050. He also explains why, with very expensive policies, the EU is going to black instead of green.

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