Johan Hombert is a Professor of Finance at HEC Paris. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and holds a PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics. His research interests are life insurance, and the financing of entrepreneurship and innovation. His research has been published in the top finance and economics journal such as American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial of Economics, Review of Financial Studies. In 2021, he was awarded a prestigious European Research Council Consolidator Grant to study long-term savings and European life insurers.
Scientific articles
Working papers
Scientific articles
Review of Economic Studies, October 2014, vol. 81, n° 4, pp 1401-1437, (in coll. with B. BIAIS, P. O. WEILL)
Journal of Financial Economics, January 2014, vol. 111, n° 1, pp 26-44, (in coll. with David THESMAR)
Journal of Industrial Economics, february, 3 2011, vol. 59, n° 4, pp 677-713, (in coll. with M. Bourreau, J. Pouyet, N. Schutz)
Working papers
Mimeo , 2010
Mimeo , 2009
Mimeo , 2025
Mimeo , 2025
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2022- Professor HEC Paris
- 2021- Associate Dean of the Ph.D. Program HEC Paris
- 2018-2020 Department Head, Finance HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Editorial activities
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2016 2016 Best Young Researcher in Finance Award
- 2015 Prix du Chercheur de l'annee 2015, Fondation HEC
- 2015 Laureat du Prix EIF 2015 du meilleur papier en finance
- 2014 Young Researcher in Economics Prize 2014