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Associate Professor

Information Systems and Operations Management

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Associate Professor, Andrea Masini is currently serving as Dean of Faculty and Research. From 2016 to 2022 he served as Associate Dean, in charge of the MBA programs. 

He holds a Ph.D. in Management from INSEAD (France). Prior to joining HEC Paris in 2010, Andrea was Assistant Professor of Operations and Technology Management at the London Business School. He has a background in mechanical engineering and environmental management.

Andrea conducts interdisciplinary research to study the operational and organizational impact of technological innovations, with a particular emphasis on ICT, renewable energy technologies and sustainability issues. His recent work has been published on M&SOM, the Journal of Operations Management and Energy Policy. He has taught courses on Operations Management, Supply Chain Management and Technology Strategy at the MBA, executive as well as at the Ph.D. level. He also consults for private and public organizations on themes related to process optimization, ICT and technological innovation.

Scientific articles

Technology-push, demand-pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy industry

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2021, vol. 23, pp 1563–1580, (in coll. with S. AFLAKI, S. A. Basher)

Contracting for Technology Improvement: the Effect of Asymmetric Bargaining Power and Investment Uncertainty

European Journal of Operational Research, Septembre 2021, vol. 293, n° 2, pp 481-494, (in coll. with A. SHANTIA, S. AFLAKI)

Right Information at the Right Time: Reevaluating the Attitude–Behavior Gap in Environmental Technology Adoption

International Journal of Production Economics, December 2021, vol. 242, n° 108278, (in coll. with S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI, B. FAHIMNIA)

Are They All Equal? Uncovering Adopter Groups of Battery Electric Vehicles

Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, n° 7, pp 2815, (in coll. with L. BURS, E. ROEMER, S. WORM)

Optimal Feed-In Tariff Policies: The Impact of Market Structure and Technology Characteristics

Production and Operations Management, december, 2 2019, vol. 28, n° 5, pp 1108-1128, (in coll. with S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI)

Impact of IT offerings strategies and IT integration capability on IT vendor value creation

European Journal of Information Systems, 2019, vol. 28, n° 6, pp 591-611, (in coll. with F. CECI, C. PRENCIPE)

Is your valley as green as it should be? Incorporating economic development into environmental performance indicators

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, October 2018, vol. 20, n° 8, pp 1903–1915, (in coll. with S. AFLAKI, S. BASHER)

Time series properties of the renewable energy diffusion process: Implications for energy policy design and assessment

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, february, 3 2015, vol. 52, pp 1680-1692, (in coll. with S. BASHER, S. AFLAKI)

Vehicle Procurement Policy for Humanitarian Development Programs

Production and Operations Management, June 2014, vol. 23, n° 6, pp 951-964, (in coll. with M. EFTEKHAR, A. Robotis, L. N. VAN WASSENHOVE)

Exploring the Link between the Humanitarian Logistician and Training Needs

Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, October 2013, vol. 3, n° 2, pp 129-148, (in coll. with A. Allen, G. Kovács, A. Vaillancourt, L. Van Wassenhove)

Chapters in edited books

ERP-driven performance changes and process isomorphism

Handbook Of Research On Enterprise Systems, S. K. Sharma, M. A. Rashid, IGI Global, Hershey

An Application of Exergy Accounting to Five Basic Metal Industries

Managing Metals, M. Ayres, M. Von Gleich, M. Goessling (eds.), Kluwer Publisher

Exergy: reference states and balance conditions

Encyclopedia Of Energy, C. Cleveland (ed.), Elsevier, 2

Waste exergy as a measure of potential harm: Sink-specific exergy measures

Advances In Energy Studies-Energy Flows In Ecology And Economy, S. Ulgiati (ed), Musis


Energy Efficiency Contracting in Supply Chains

2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2015 , 2015 , 1 (A. SHANTIA, S. AFLAKI)

Time Value Of Different Information Dimensions In The Adoption Of Photovoltaic System

Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings , 2014 , Doha , 1 (S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI)

The Sand Cone Revisited: The Impact of Service Flexibility on Competitive Capabilities

Proceedings of the 4th Euroma's Workshop on Service Operations Management , 2011 , Florence (C. Wang)

Investment decisions in the renewable energy field: an analysis of main determinants

Proceedings of the Picmet 2010 Conference , 2010 , Phuket (E. Menichetti)

Working papers

The Impact of Behavioral Factors in the Renewable Energy Investment Decision Making Process: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2013

Investment decisions in the renewable energy sector: an analysis of main behavioral drivers

Mimeo , 2011

When Does Knowledge Integration Work? Strategic Contingencies and Value Creation in Fast Paced Industries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change

Mimeo , 2011

The impact of IT intensity, IT outsourcing and software customization on operational performance: empirical evidence from manufacturing SMEs

Mimeo , 2009

Case Studies

African Solar Rise: Electrifying Rural Tanzania


Scientific articles

Contracting for Technology Improvement: the Effect of Asymmetric Bargaining Power and Investment Uncertainty

European Journal of Operational Research, Septembre 2021, vol. 293, n° 2, pp 481-494, (in coll. with A. SHANTIA, S. AFLAKI)

Right Information at the Right Time: Reevaluating the Attitude–Behavior Gap in Environmental Technology Adoption

International Journal of Production Economics, December 2021, vol. 242, n° 108278, (in coll. with S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI, B. FAHIMNIA)

Technology-push, demand-pull and endogenous drivers of innovation in the renewable energy industry

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2021, vol. 23, pp 1563–1580, (in coll. with S. AFLAKI, S. A. Basher)

Are They All Equal? Uncovering Adopter Groups of Battery Electric Vehicles

Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, n° 7, pp 2815, (in coll. with L. BURS, E. ROEMER, S. WORM)

Chapters in edited books

ERP-driven performance changes and process isomorphism

Handbook Of Research On Enterprise Systems, S. K. Sharma, M. A. Rashid, IGI Global, Hershey

An Application of Exergy Accounting to Five Basic Metal Industries

Managing Metals, M. Ayres, M. Von Gleich, M. Goessling (eds.), Kluwer Publisher

Exergy: reference states and balance conditions

Encyclopedia Of Energy, C. Cleveland (ed.), Elsevier, 2

Waste exergy as a measure of potential harm: Sink-specific exergy measures

Advances In Energy Studies-Energy Flows In Ecology And Economy, S. Ulgiati (ed), Musis


Energy Efficiency Contracting in Supply Chains

2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2015 , 2015 , 1 (A. SHANTIA, S. AFLAKI)

Time Value Of Different Information Dimensions In The Adoption Of Photovoltaic System

Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings , 2014 , Doha , 1 (S. GOODARZI, S. AFLAKI)

The Sand Cone Revisited: The Impact of Service Flexibility on Competitive Capabilities

Proceedings of the 4th Euroma's Workshop on Service Operations Management , 2011 , Florence (C. Wang)

Investment decisions in the renewable energy field: an analysis of main determinants

Proceedings of the Picmet 2010 Conference , 2010 , Phuket (E. Menichetti)

Working papers

Case Studies

African Solar Rise: Electrifying Rural Tanzania



  • International Teachers Programme, SSE Stockholm - Sweden
  • Ph.D. in Management (Technology Management), INSEAD - France
  • Master of Science/Grande Ecole, Other, Management, INSEAD - France
  • M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sapienza University - Italy

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2022- Dean of Faculty & Research HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member, INFORMS, Academy of Management

Editorial activities

  • Reviewer, Manufacturing Services Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations Production Management, International Journal of Production Research, Energy Policy, Management Science, Omega, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Renewable Power Generation, Electronic Markets

  • Awards & honors

    • 2014 First Place in the 2014 NextBillion Case Writing Competition for the case "African Solar Rise: Electrifying Rural Tanzania" (in coll. with S. Aflaki)
    • 2009 Best teacher Award, Finmeccanica
    • 2007 Best Teacher Award, Warsaw University of Technology Business School
    • 2003 Oustanding TFSC paper Award
    • 1995 Esso Italiana Award for the best master thesis on energy issues