Marie Serna holds a Ph.D. in Law From Paris II University. After teaching at the ESCP, she joined HEC Paris in 1994.
Her research and teaching activities focus on Media Law as well as Intellectual Property Law. She is mostly interested in Theatre Law.
Marie Serna is the author of a book : "L'image des personnes physiques et des biens" (Economica). She also wrote chapters in collective works.
She conducts consultation activities in the area of Art and Entertainment Law.
Scientific articles
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Scientific articles
Recueil Dalloz, 4 July 2002, vol. Chronique, pp 2106-2112,
Les Petites Affiches, June 21 2001, vol. Doctrine, n° 123, pp 10-17,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Entreprises, 6 September 2001, n° 36, pp 1386,
Contrats - Concurrence - Consommation, September 1999, vol. Chronique, n° 9, pp 4-8,
Chapters in edited books
L'École Des Managers De Demain, ouvrage collectif des professeurs du Groupe HEC, Editions Economica
Working papers
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member, Association Nationale des Docteurs en Droit
- Member, Association Droit de la Communication, Universite Pantheon - Assas - Paris II
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2022 Vernimmen Teaching Award 2022