Marc Vanhuele (PhD UCLA) is Professor of Marketing. He teaches marketing and pricing management. His research focuses on two fields: how customers treat price information and how marketing managers can improve their decision making through better use of quantitative information on the consumer’s mindset. He has served as associate dean, first responsible for digital and for HEC’s participation in the Université Paris-Saclay and later as director of pre-expérience programs. He also works as consultant in market research and as expert witness in commercial litigation. His research has been published in the leading academic journals in marketing and he is co-author of the book “Consumer Behavior. Applications in Marketing.” (Sage 2022) that brings together the most recent research on consumer behavior of interest to marketers.
Scientific articles
Chapters in edited books
Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference: Marketing for an Expanding Europe , 1996 (G. LAURENT, P. Chandon)
Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference , 1996 , Tucson (S. Holden)
Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference , 1996 , Tucson (M. Tuan Pham)
Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 221 , 1995
Working papers
Scientific articles
Advances in Consumer Research, 2005, vol. 32, pp 447-448, (in coll. with Z. Kenesei, X. Drèze, G. LAURENT)
Décisions Marketing, february, 3 2003, n° 32, pp 71-82, (in coll. with C. Balagué, L. Daudigeos, X. Drèze)
Advances in Consumer Research, 2002, vol. 29, pp 143-144, (in coll. with G. LAURENT, X. Drèze)
Advances in Consumer Research, 2002, vol. 29, pp 142-144,
Chapters in edited books
Proceedings of the EMAC Annual Conference: Marketing for an Expanding Europe , 1996 (G. LAURENT, P. Chandon)
Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference , 1996 , Tucson (S. Holden)
Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference , 1996 , Tucson (M. Tuan Pham)
Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 221 , 1995
Working papers
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2019-2021 Associate Dean for Pre-experience Programs HEC Paris
- 2015- Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Membre elu du conseil d'administration, Association Francaise du Marketing
- Membre du bureau de l'Association Francaise du Marketing
- Member, American Marketing Association
- Member, Association Francaise du Marketing
- Member, Association for Consumer Research
- Member, European Marketing Academy
Editorial activities
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2011 Syntec Management Consulting Prize in Marketing/Decision Sciences