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Han WU

Assistant Professor

Accounting and Management Control

 Profile picture


Han WU received his Ph.D. in Accounting and Master in Operational Research at the Norwegian School of Economics. He spent a year as a visiting scholar in University of California at Berkeley. His research is on empirical financial accounting, corporate governance, and corporate finance. His current research interests include governance of large shareholders, informed trading, the role of media, and earnings management. He teaches financial accounting and financial statement analysis.

Scientific articles

The (In)Visibility of Undisclosed Political Connections

Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming, (in coll. with H. Cai, O.-K. Hope, Y. Li, Q. Liu)

Newspaper Censorship in China: Evidence from Tunneling Scandals

Management Science, November 2021, vol. 67, n° 11, pp 7142-7166, (in coll. with O. HOPE, Y. LI, Q. LIU)

Blockholder Exit Threats in the Presence of Private Benefits of Control

Review of Accounting Studies, June 2017, vol. 22, n° 2, pp 873-902, (in coll. with Ole-Kristian HOPE, Wuyang ZHAO)

Working papers

Innovation and Complementarity: Economic Incentives and Market Outcomes

Mimeo , 2011

Scientific articles

Newspaper Censorship in China: Evidence from Tunneling Scandals

Management Science, November 2021, vol. 67, n° 11, pp 7142-7166, (in coll. with O. HOPE, Y. LI, Q. LIU)

Blockholder Exit Threats in the Presence of Private Benefits of Control

Review of Accounting Studies, June 2017, vol. 22, n° 2, pp 873-902, (in coll. with Ole-Kristian HOPE, Wuyang ZHAO)

The (In)Visibility of Undisclosed Political Connections

Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming, (in coll. with H. Cai, O.-K. Hope, Y. Li, Q. Liu)

Working papers

Innovation and Complementarity: Economic Incentives and Market Outcomes

Mimeo , 2011


  • Ph.D. in Accounting, Norwegian School of Economics - Norway
  • MSc in Economics, Norwegian School of Economics - Norway
  • Master in International Management, Community of European Management Schools - France
  • Bachelor in International Business (Accounting Track), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies - China

Scientific Activities

Editorial activities

  • Reviewer, Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR), Accounting and Business Research (ABR)