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Florian Hoos Named Among World’s Best B-School Professors Under 40

Florian Hoos, Professor at the Accounting and Management Control department at HEC Paris has been named by Poets&Quants  as one of the "40 Most Outstanding B-School Profs Under 40 in the World". The listing recognizes educators from elite institutions who excel in both the classroom and research. For the survey, Poets & Quants  polled business school administration, faculty, students, and alumni for their top picks.

Poets & Quants  said these professors "are influencers in their fields while having a meaningful impact on their students' lives. And arguably all of them are just getting started. If their previous successes are any indication, these top profs will be shaping business education and MBA futures for years to come."

Florian teaches financial accounting and social entrepreneurship in the MBA and Bachelor and Master program. While he gains the admiration of his students by his unique teaching style and techniques, Florian is also recognized for the quality of his research which includes corporate governance, auditing, financial reporting, social impact measuring and social entrepreneurship. His dissertation was awarded the first prize of the German Institute of Internal Auditors (Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision) in 2011. 

Therefore, Poets&Quants  acknowledges that research activity gave more weight to teaching--even the best researchers must convey their material compellingly to be effective in the classroom.

See below the nice profile of Florian featured by Poets&Quants  

Florian Hoos 

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Management Control

Age: 33

Institution: HEC Paris, France

Since: 2011

Hometown: Paris, France

Marital status: Not married yet (but happy and in love)

Children: None


2010 Ph.D. in Accounting, HEC Lausanne,Switzerland
2006 Master of Business Administration, University of Giessen, Germany

Courses currentlyteaching: 

Social Entrepreneurship, Social Impact Measuring,Financial Accounting and Reporting

Fun fact: I have the ugliest car in the world (or at least onthe HEC campus). Students (and colleagues) keep telling me that they do notunderstand how a German can drive such a car.

Professor you mostadmire: I would not be on this listwithout the support and advice of Prof. Messier (UNLV) and Prof. Morhart (HECLausanne). Thank you!!!

Most memorablemoment as a professor: There are alot of great moments to remember, but the following anecdote crossed my mindfirst: I remember one student who told me after the last financial accountingclass that he was positively surprised that an accounting professor cared aboutpeople and not only about numbers. I guess that it was a compliment.

“If I weren’t aB-school professor…” I would bea salmon fishing guide somewhere in Canada or a sommelier in a restaurant.


FinancialAccounting is not the most exciting of topics in any MBA core curriculum, butonly does Prof. Hoos manage to keep us awake during a three hour session, healso teaches us how to see the story in a financial statement. So accounting isno longer just balancing profit and loss, it becomes an investigation into acompany through the numbers.

-Lavaniya Das, HECMBA, Class of 2014

Professor Hoos’sapproach is very student-centered. By taking time to get to know students, he’sable to make class material more relevant. Outside of his core financialaccounting class, he was also happy to discuss his entrepreneurship experiencein West Africa. Realizing that there was student demand for a course on socialventures, Prof. Hoos surveyed students and designed an elective in this field.

-HEC MBA, Class of2014

When HEC Paris MBAs launched a Facebook poll tonominate their favorite professor, one name topped the list: Florian Hoos. Theassistant professor of accounting and management control teaches financialaccounting in the MBA program–a subject many business students dread. However,those in Hoos’ class would beg to differ, citing an engaging and intelligentprofessor as the reason.

When he’s not charming MBAs into appreciatingfinancial statements, Hoos is researching the judgement processes of keyplayers in corporate governance, auditor independence requirements, and theeffects of new legislation on financial reporting. In 2011, his work wonthe Best Dissertation Award from the German Institute of InternalAuditors. Hoos’ interest set extends to accounting education and socialentrepreneurship. In 2010, Hoos was awarded the Prix Pralong prize fora development aid project he conducted in Ivory Coast.

FlorianHoos is among “ The World’s 40 Best B-School Profs Under the Age of 40