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HEC Foundation

First milestone reached for the HEC Village project

This spring, the HEC Foundation launched HEC Village with the support of the School, a project focused on quality of student life and part of the campus renovation and modernization project. The first milestone of this multiyear project has been achieved: €500,000 of donations and commitments towards building sports facilities and renovating Building M and the Kfet, a major hub of student life.


Campus life is central to the study experience at HEC Paris, and Eloïc Peyrache, HEC Dean, wished to make student well-being a strategic priority for the School. This is the mindset behind the creation of HEC Village. It's a campus renovation and modernization project, dedicated to quality of student life: student wellbeing, renovating Building M and the cafeteria, building new sports facilities, creating a new health center, etc.

Thanks to the generosity of HEC alumni, including many former BDE and sports club members, we are proud to have reached the first fundraising milestone of €500,000. We would like to warmly thank all the donors who have gotten involved in this project. 
Their contribution has made it possible to already bring the project's implementation forward, with fast, concrete developments for students in place for the new 2021 university year, specifically, the Kfet renovation (landscaping the Kfet terrace, renovating the BDE bar, fitting out a central room with a lounge space, creating an outdoor fitness space, etc.). The sports facility construction works (changing rooms for the football field, lighting for the rugby field) will begin in the first semester of 2022.

Here are a few before/after snapshots showing the developments: 


The support of the campus teams was essential for the success of this project. We would like to thank in particular Jean-Gilles Vitti, Sports Department Administrative and Budget Officer and Philippe Cottias, Coordinator of Student Events at HEC Paris for their commitment and enthusiasm in assisting us. To celebrate this wonderful achievement, we have invited the donors to the HEC Village project for a special event on campus on Tuesday 5 October. A plaque bearing the names of the donors will be unveiled on this occasion!


If you want to support the HEC Foundation project and more specifically the renovation and campus experience, like Blandine Freté (H.14), donor to the HEC Village project, did, don't hesitate to contact the HEC Foundation or make a donation directly on the online project page.


I am giving to the HEC Village project because sport was a very important part of my years on campus. It gave me a chance to learn on a different playing field and develop very strong friendships, and I want to give other generations the opportunity to have the same experience.


Blandine (H.14), donatrice de la Fondation HEC


2 collective fundraising efforts

In support of the work being done to renovate and modernize sports facilities on campus, the basketball club and alumni rugby association (LOCH) went the extra mile to raise donations from their members, hosting some very special events.


loch-hec-villageIn late November, veterans of the HEC Rugby Club celebrated 50 years of LOCH at a celebration which brought together over 200 players from multiple generations at the Hall d’Honneur on campus. To mark this big reunion, many alumni were generous enough to contribute to the HEC Village project.
Thanks to their largesse, more than €10,000 was raised on the night. Many thanks to all those who contributed, and particularly to Louis de Baudus (H.16), Olivier Habault (H.17) and Hervé Parent (H.80) for organizing the fundraising drive.




basket-hecvillageAlso in November, the HEC Paris Basketball Club (BCH) organized an exhibition match between current members and veterans of the 2003 team who made waves by finishing runners-up in the French university championships. A big thank you to all of the players from the 2003 team who took part, and congratulations on beating the current student team. What a show of team spirit!







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