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HEC Foundation

HEC Foundation Awards ceremony held all online for first time

For the 44th edition of the HEC Foundation Awards, we decided to innovate and propose a digital ceremony to honor and reward the very finest work by the students and professors of HEC Paris. This new format was a big success, bringing together more than 115 participants!


The HEC Foundation Awards first started in 1977, shortly after the Foundation's creation, as our missions include supporting educational initiatives, research projects, and promoting academic work.

Despite the complicated situation, we were intent on maintaining the ceremony by offering it in an all-online format. It brought together all the winners (including some who live abroad), the members of the juries and representatives of the various programs of the School. Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris and Delphine Colson, Executive Director of the HEC Foundation were on hand to host this 44th edition of the Awards.

This Foundation Awards Ceremony is an important event for the Foundation and for HEC because it highlights the high quality of our faculty and the outstanding work produced by students from the various HEC programs. These awards are the result of HEC’s determined and continued investment in research and the excellence of its programs.

Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris


This edition was a source of innovation and we seized the opportunity to award an honorary prize to the faculty members for their work during this very strange and demanding year. In 2020, the professors had to adapt their programs and the pedagogical content of their courses by innovating. Watch the video below for some explanations from professors of the new teaching methods they put in place:


View the list of 2020 winners by prize below:

Learn more about the highlights of this ceremony

The Grande Ecole and Specialized Master’s Thesis Award

Winners: Siham Alliche (H.20) et Kristian Andresen Faraglia (MSc.20) pour their thesis « To what extent do ESG incorporation strategies impact the general economic performance of European SRI funds? »
Jury President: Sophie Javary (H.80), Vide-Chairman CIB EMEA at BNP Paribas

Bernard-André Parent's sheltered foundation Award

Winners :winners
1st Prize: Sanâa Kiadi (EM.20) for her thesis « La migration africaine. Un défi mondial, une opportunité continentale. »
2nd  Prize: Lamiae Abdessadak for her thesis « Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine : analyse, leviers et recommandations »
3rd Prize: Thibault Genouville (H.21) for his thesis « Impossible n’est pas français. For a tech-enabled réindustrialisation of France »

Jury President: Bernard-André Parent (H.61), President of the Bernard-André Parent sheltered foundation.

Doctoral Thesis Award  

Winner: Fei Gao (D.20) for his thesis « Three Essays on Marketing Interventions to Influence Consumer Judgments, Choices, and Behaviors »
Jury President : Jean-Luc Parer (H.76), Former Co-Director of Bank and International Financial Services at Société Générale.
Learn more about his thesis here.

MBA Award

Winner: Emric Navarre (MBA.21) for the interpersonal leadership qualities they demonstrated in their work group.
Jury President: Xavier Boute, Associated Professor, Director of Student Life, HEC Paris

Executive MBA Thesis Award

Winner: Kadir Karaman (E.20) for his thesis « How to build a differentiated fashion brand with CSV at core? »
Jury President : Jean Serriere, Director Societariat Sustainable Development - CSR, BRED

Specialized Executive Masters Professional Thesis Award

Winner: Yohan Ben Tolila (EM.20) for his professional thesis « Intégrer la prise en charge des aidants dans la stratégie d’entreprise d’un groupe d’EHPAD : d’une solution face à un enjeu de santé publique à la création d’un avantage concurrentiel »
Jury President : Jean Serriere, Director Societariat Sustainable Development - CSR, BRED

Best Research Article/Paper Award

Winner: Anne-Laure Sellier, for her article « Debiasing Training Improves Decision Making in the Field »

Best Researcher Award 2020  

Winner: Jean-Edouard Colliard for the highest number of publications obtained in the most renowned international academic research journals.

The Bruno Roux de Bézieux Award for Educational Initiative

Winner: Sebastian Becker, for his project « EduScrum – Using (and thereby also teaching) Agile methods in pedagogy »
Jury President: Marie-Anne Aymerich (H.87), Non Executive Director - Supervisory Board and Strategic Commitee - Pierre Fabre Group




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