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HEC Foundation

Mobilization of HEC members of the insurance club

At the initiative of Adrien Couret (H.07), Managing Director of the Aéma Group, the HEC Alumni Insurance Club and the HEC Foundation have launched a fundraising campaign to help finance the HEC Paris equal opportunities program.


The Insurance Club launched its mobilization in July during a first videoconference with Adrien Couret (H.07), a Major Donor of the HEC Foundation and Director of the Aéma Group. During the fundraising campaign, several videoconferences were held on the theme of "Insurance and Commitment", featuring key figures from the world of insurance. Two other conferences was held with Denis Duverne (H.74), Chairman of the Board of Directors of AXA and Major Donor of the HEC Foundation, in December 2020 and at the end of January 2021 with Jacques Richier (MBA 84), Chairman and CEO of Allianz France.

These meetings are an opportunity for these leaders to express their vision of the issues facing the profession at this particular time, and to recall the importance of commitment, both professional and personal, as well as a commitment to HEC.
The goal of the mobilization is to participate collectively, and on behalf of the insurance sector, in the Foundation's effort to support the school's new ambition within the framework of the Impact Tomorrow campaign.

This collection initiative, a first for a professional club of the HEC Alumni Association, aims to raise €25,000 to support enhanced inclusion of talent. By raising funds for projects related to equal opportunities, the Insurance Club wants to contribute to the efforts of the School and the HEC Foundation to fight self-censorship and enable all talented students access to HEC Paris.

Many thanks to Jérôme Sallard (MBA.98), Chloé Carli (MS.12) and Pierre Bonodot (H.03) for this initiative.

More information on this initiative

Learn more about the Equal Opportunities at HEC Paris


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