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Our Student Clubs

At HEC Paris, our 130+ student clubs offer a fantastic way for companies to connect with motivated students. These clubs cover a wide range of industries and themes, providing the perfect platform to meet potential interns or employees. Engage directly with students through events, panels, and networking activities to find the right talent and build lasting relationships with the next generation of professionals.

Our clubs organize regular events on and off campus year-round, catering to both pre-experience (Grande Ecole & Master's) and post-experience (MBA) students. With over 50 professional clubs, you can connect with those focused on specific industries (Consulting, Finance, Energy), thematic issues (LGBT+, Leadership, Public Speaking, Entrepreneurship), and regional business opportunities (Africa, Germany, Asia). Discover the benefits of connecting with HEC Paris students by contacting us today:


Discover Our Master's Student Clubs


Discover Our MBA Student Clubs



Request a CV Book

If you're looking to connect with a specific student population, request a CV book tailored to your recruitment needs. Our CV books provide a curated selection of qualified candidates from various programs and sectors. Contact us to obtain access and find the perfect match for your company's requirements:


Employer Engagement & Events Team