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François Gemenne

François Gemenne
Professor (Education Track)
Economics and Decision Sciences

François Gemenne is a professor at HEC Paris, where he is the academic director of the Master in Sustainability and Social Innovation. A specialist of environmental geopolitics and migration governance, he is also a FNRS senior research associate at the University of Liège (Belgium), where he heads the Hugo Observatory, a research lab on environmental changes and migration. He is also the co-director of the Observatory on Defence and Climate of the French Ministry of Defence, jointly with Julia Tasse at IRIS. He is a lead author for the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC and lectures on climate change and migration policies in different universities, including Sciences Po and Sorbonne University in Paris.

His research deals mostly with environmental and migration governance. He has worked in particular on populations displaced by environmental changes and the policies of adaptation to climate change, as well as on asylum and migration policies.

Francois Gemenne - Knowledge
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