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Marie Laclau

Associate Professor (Education Track)
Economics and Decision Sciences

Marie Laclau is a CNRS researcher member of the GREGHEC and ETF associate professor at HEC. She earns a PhD from HEC in 2012 for which she was awarded the prize of the best thesis in Economics from the Association Française de Sciences Economiques. She then conducted post-doctoral research and taught at Yale University (Cowles Foundation) before joining Paris School of Economics then HEC. Her research interests are about game theory, and more particularly about the strategic use of information and communication, repeated games and networks. Her research has been published in Theoretical Economics, Mathematics of Operations Research, Journal of Economic Theory, and Games and Economic Behavior. She is the coordinator of the ANR project CIGNE (2015-2021). At HEC, she teaches social networks and game theory.

marie laclau
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