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Elena Lizunova

Ph.D. student
Strategy & Business Policy

Elena Lizunova was a Ph.D student at HEC Paris. She joins the Brigham Young University (USA) in 2021. In her dissertation, she uses large-scale data analysis to investigate entrepreneurial strategies and processes of small ventures.

Elena Lizunova

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Diversity & Inclusion

Including and Managing Diversity: Interview with Researchers

In this interview with Knowledge@HEC, a dozen of professors and Ph.D. students from HEC Paris share the key findings of their latest research on...

By Elena Lizunova, Denisa Mindruta, Roxana Barbulescu, Valérie Gauthier, Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj (education Track - Doha Campus), Leandro Nardi, Marieke Huysentruyt, John Mawdsley, Rodolphe Durand, Bianca Crivellini Eger, Thomas Åstebro

unemployment insurance for entrepreneurship
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