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Master in Management

Marketing is relying more and more on statistical analyses of empirical data.

Data is now available on consumer choices, store sales, media audiences, promotion and advertising, markets shares, etc. Data is increasingly organized in databases with a more interactive nature. As a consequence, marketers have developed a wide variety of models and statistical techniques to analyze data, providing support for better, more informed decisions in marketing research departments of large companies, as well as for consultants.

This course provides a hands-on, practical training in applied marketing models. We have 3 goals:

  • Show you how the theoretical and formal tools of statistics and probability can be applied concretely to real problems
  • Give you a practical training on how to apply these tools, using two powerful and popular programs, excel and SPSS.
  • Show you how, even if you do not plan to become a data analyst yourself, to better manage data analyses performed by others.

The course covers a variety of analytical tools relevant for a career in marketing and management consulting.

However, the techniques we will study are widely applicable outside marketing: strategy, human relations, operations management, control and audit, political science, sociology, psychology, etc.

Thus, what you learn in the course will be applicable to a diverse set of problems in your future career.