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Cap 2020

The CAP 2020 program has been running since 2017 in the Ivory Coast.  It was designed to train over 3 years more than 5,700 senior civil servants, managers and agents from 11 ministries and public institutions, including the President’s and the Prime Minister's Office over a period of 3 years.

Cap 2020

It is intended to promote the transfer of skills and the decompartmentalization of administrations. For nearly twenty years, the African public sector has been undergoing reforms however; there has been a lack of managerial skills injected into public services. Even if the public management and the private management are not working against each other, they should equally not be confused. To confuse the two would be counterproductive.

HEC Paris offers tailor-made programs to strengthen the managerial capacities of the public sector which are adapted to the context and challenges of the economic and social emergence of African countries. They aim to introduce a managerial culture in the administrative organization, making administrative agents true development partners to operate in confidence with the private sector to create an environment of good governance. HEC Paris training and support programs for public sector executives are co-constructed with partner States. They will be effective under three conditions: Transversality, Longevity and Critical Mass.

These multi-year support programs were also conducted in Togo, Gabon and the Republic of Congo. Similar programs are underway in other countries of the continent.