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Dean Eloïc Peyrache Visit to the US in early May

In May 2022, HEC Paris's Dean Eloïc Peyrache came to visit the East Coast of the US, meeting alternatively with our prestigious academic partners (Yale University, Babson College, NYU, MIT, etc.), strong corporate allies (BNP-Paribas, L'Oréal, etc.) but also with the local alumni communities of New York and Boston. Together with Philippe Oster, Director of International Affairs, Delphine Colson, HEC Foundation’s Executive Director, and Deborah Aringoli, Director of International Development at the HEC Foundation, the HEC delegation met with more than 100 alumni across New York, New Haven and Boston, illustrating the strength of our powerful HEC network.

May 22 Eloic Peyrache US visit

The HEC Foundation contributes to the development of strategic academic projects at HEC Paris by funding student scholarships, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, social responsibility, and international diversity. To support its fundraising activities, the HEC Paris US Office gathered major donors at the Soho House Club New York on May 3 under the patronage of Jaime Mateus Tique (H.90), to raise awareness about the HEC Foundation’s projects and objectives.


May 22 Eloic Peyrache US visit


On the next day, Eloïc Peyrache met Jean-Yves Fillion (MBA.92), BNP Paribas North America CEO and several HEC Alumni working at BNP Paribas over breakfast at the company’s HQ in New York. As HEC Paris’ biggest corporate partner and employer in North America, they discussed future and international developments, and corporate relations.


May 22 Eloic Peyrache US visit


This trip was also an opportunity for the New York and Boston Alumni communities to meet with the Dean. On May 6, the Boston HEC Alumni Community met the Dean for breakfast at Lenox Hotel Boston.


May 22 Eloic Peyrache US visit



Read more about the HEC Paris US Office