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Hervé Stolowy, HEC Paris Professor, Named Editor of the European Accounting Review

Hervé Stolowy, Professor at the Accounting and Management Control department of HEC Paris, has been appointed Editor (2016-2019) of the international scholarly journal European Accounting Review.

European Accounting ReviewEuropean Accounting Review (EAR) is the journal of the European Accounting Association (EAA). Devoted to the advancement of accounting knowledge, EAR provides a forum for the publication of high quality accounting research manuscripts. European Accounting Review  emphasises openness and flexibility, not only regarding the substantive issues of accounting research, but also with respect to paradigms, methodologies and styles of conducting that research.

With an internationally renowned new editorial team of 21 associate editors and 82 editorial board members, including Walid Alissa and Vedran Capkun both HEC Paris Professors and leading contributors, European Accounting Review  is an increasingly important arena for the development of accounting theory and practice.

European Accounting Review  is ranked A in the HEC list of journals. It is included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and has been awarded an A status in the German Association of University Professors quality rankings. It is an A-STAR journal listed in the Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List 2013.

Hervé Stolowy has authored and co-authored nine books (including “Financial Accounting and Reporting – A Global Perspective”, Cengage Learning, Andover, UK, 4th edition, 2013, in collaboration with Michel Lebas and Yuan Ding), and published over 65 articles in academic and applied journals. His research and teaching interests span financial and international accounting, and focus more specifically on accounts manipulation, fraud, intangibles, international accounting harmonization and statement of cash flows. He is a past president of the Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), a past co-editor of Comptabilité – Contrôle – Audit, the official journal of the AFC and the past chair of the Standing Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Association (EAA).

Hervé Stolowy teaches financial accounting in the different graduate programs of HEC Paris: financial accounting and introduction to financial statement analysis (HEC Master of Science in Management – Grande Ecole, MBA Program and EMBA Program).