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Julie Girard’s first book presented in latest “Share and Dare” panel

Librairie Albertine welcomed the latest edition of the "Share and Dare" panel on May 4. 40 HEC Alumni gathered to listen to Julie Girard’s (H.11) present and discuss her first book, Le crépuscule des licornes (The Dusk of Unicorns), a satire of modern entrepreneurial New York society.

HEC Paris US Office - Share and Dare - Julie Girard

Another successful Share and Dare panel took place earlier this month at Libraire Albertine on Fifth Avenue. On this occasion, Julie Girard (H.11) presented her first book, Le crépuscule des licornes (The Dusk of Unicorns), a satire on contemporary society that explores the tech start-up environment, the promise of augmented intelligence, and the New York art scene.

HEC Alumni New York Chapter president Anne-Claire Berg, HEC Paris US office Executive Director Vincent Muzelle, and around 40 HEC Alumni gathered for an in depth discussion on her book.


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