"Master Entrepreneuriat et Innovation" first intake students' Learning Expedition to Paris
From 22 to 30 May, 10 students of the Master en Entrepreneuriat et Innovation (MEI), delivered by the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) and HEC Paris, travelled to France for an unforgettable study trip, a milestone in their academic career. Together with their teacher, they were able to attend lectures by Professor Emeritus Alain Bloch, take part in a pitch contest, visit the VivaTech fair and Station F, as well as tour Paris.

Over the course of a week, the 10 innovation and leadership students learned a lot, faced challenges, gained new perspectives and visited many places all over the city. The first intake of MEI students has been attending courses at the INP-HB campus in Yamoussoukro since the start of the academic year, which began last autumn. They spent a week in Paris at the end of May, and their programme was particularly rich: the students took classes with Professor Emeritus Alain Bloch to prepare for a pitch competition, visited the Ecole Polytechnique (l'X) campus, met and exchanged ideas with students from the MSc X-HEC Entrepreneurs, visited the VivaTech fair alongside HEC Paris students and spent a day at Station F and the HEC Incubator, where entrepreneurs shared their experience with them.
In October 2023 the Dean and General Director of HEC Paris, Eloïc Peyrache, visited Yamoussoukro and the INP-HB campus for the launch ceremony of this programme with HEC Paris, further strengthening the links between the two institutions.