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Sustainability & Organizations Institute

S&O Research Day 2025 - the 10th Edition!

15 May
9:00 am


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2025-05-15T09:00:00 S&O Research Day 2025 - the 10th Edition!  The S&O Institute is pleased to announce the organization of the 10th edition of the S&O Research Day on May 15th and 16th, 2025 on HEC Paris campus, Jouy-en-Josas, chaired by Georg Wernicke.  Jouy-en-Josas


The S&O Institute is pleased to announce the organization of the 10th edition of the S&O Research Day on May 15th and 16th, 2025 on HEC Paris campus, Jouy-en-Josas, chaired by Georg Wernicke.


S&O Research Day

Launched for the first time in 2015, the S&O Research Day aims to advance interdisciplinary research around S&O Institute’s main topics on Climate, Inclusive Economy, and Purpose at the same time. Open to all, this event increases intensive exchanges among faculty and Ph.D, S&O affiliated researchers, and selected guests.

This year, we will replicate the traditional format of the event with one full afternoon of presentations on May the 15th followed by a social dinner for all the presenters. The second day on May the 16th will include a full morning of presentations, and a social lunch open to the entire community.


Call for Presenters

For this event, we are looking for presenters with a work-in-progress on topics broadly related to Sustainability and Organizations Institute’s topics.

Presentations of later-stage projects are usually about 10 minutes long and are followed by a discussant (usually one of the keynote speakers). Presentations of early work last about 8 minutes and are without a formal discussant but open to direct responses and comments from the audience.

The idea of the presentations is to give the audience a teaser about the project and start a conversation and not to give a full-fledged paper presentation. Your task is, therefore, to choose an angle from your research you'd like to test with the audience: it could be the motivation of your study (why it matters), a theoretical hurdle you'd like to share and pass with and then to the audience's remarks, anything related to the empirics of your study (an operationalization problem, a methodological question, a difficult interpretation…), or a question about how your findings contribute to existing research. Again, this is not a conference presentation you try to squeeze in 8 or 10 minutes, but a focused presentation on one or a couple of issues or findings you want to get friendly feedback on.

The event can be attended by HEC faculty and Ph.D. students, researchers associated with S&O, and selected guests. We strive to foster social interactions between the participants and the keynote speakers and see it as an opportunity to present research in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
S&O promotes collegiality and interdisciplinarity. Your participation in S&O Research Day is expected to be for the entire event, to be surprised by others' research and to mingle with new people. So please come and share your ideas!


If you wish to present your work during the event, please let Georg ( know by March 15th 2025 together with a provisional title of the working paper you would like to present. Please also indicate if your submission is early or later stage (e.g., you have a fully developed working paper) and which keynote speaker you would prefer as a discussant.


I'm interested in presenting my paper!



Key note speakers of the 2025 edition

Giada Di Stefano

Associate Professor of Management
at the Bocconi University
& co-launcher of the S&O Research Days

Jonathan Bundy

Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship & Dean's Council Distinguished Scholar at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University


Giada is a leading scholar in the fields of innovation, knowledge, and organizational learning. Her research explores the complex dynamics of competition and cooperation, focusing on factors that foster or inhibit knowledge creation and transfer within and across organizations.

Giada serves as an Associate Editor for Strategic Management Journal, a Contributing Editor for Strategy Science, and on the editorial review board of Organization Science, Strategic Organization, and Journal of Organization Design.
Giada launched the S&O Research Day with Rodolphe Durand ten years ago and organized its first four editions during her professorship at HEC Paris.

Jon’s research takes a behavioral approach to strategic management and focuses on the social and cognitive forces that shape organizational outcomes and behavior. He specifically investigates crisis and impression management, corporate reputation and other social evaluations, firm-stakeholder relationships, and corporate governance. Jon received multiple accolades for his research, including the Emerging Scholar Award from the Strategic Management Society (2021) and the Administrative Science Quarterly Award for Scholarly Contribution (2019).

Jon recently completed a three-year term as an Associate Editor at the Academy of Management Review. He also serves as an International Research Fellow with the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation.


More informations

For more information about the event, please contact Iiris Sacchet:


We look forward to hearing back from many of you!



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2025-05-15T09:00:00 S&O Research Day 2025 - the 10th Edition!  The S&O Institute is pleased to announce the organization of the 10th edition of the S&O Research Day on May 15th and 16th, 2025 on HEC Paris campus, Jouy-en-Josas, chaired by Georg Wernicke.  Jouy-en-Josas