Adding Corporate Finance to your profile
Here's how one non-Finance specialist did it with HEC Paris. Summer School participant Victoria Hilde Pozzi Rocco Belforti shares why she chose to spend 2 weeks of her summer holiday attending the HEC Paris Summer Program in Corporate Finance for students and young professionals.

Belforti - Summer student
"Recently graduated from the Dual Bachelor between Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po Paris in Political Sciences, with a major in comparative and international politics and a specialization in Art History, I applied to HEC Paris Summer Program in Corporate Finance to enlarge my horizons.
The program’s openness, intensity and the constant interaction with excellent practitioners allowed me to have a real grasp of the important skills one needs to acquire to be successful. In fact, besides understanding the financial reasoning behind decision-making, Corporate Finance is also a people business.
Professor Legland has built the curriculum in this fashion, providing us with key tools to be critical and assess efficiently different business models. Professor Legland does not want his students to learn formulas, but rather to understand them to the core. He enriches his classes with constant real life business cases, discusses his different activities, and gives advice on how to approach the business world.
Besides the quality of the lectures, I flourished in this program thanks to my fellow students. Whether one has a strong background in economics or not, my peers were always supportive. Professor Legland’s pedagogy is centered on constant interaction, questions, debates, and critical conversation.
This constructive dynamic allows students to deeply understand concepts, but also grasp their relevance in real life, in terms of how to manage a business, or to invest or not.
Overall, this Summer School was a great success and a great enhancement of my skills. I was constantly challenged to think further, and to engage with the materials. It confirmed my interest in the business and financial world and made me more confident to engage in such a path. The quality of the lectures was at the level of the school’s excellent reputation."
Victoria Hilde Pozzi Rocco Belforti