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Anoushka Baghla

Student story

Anoushka Baghla


With a perfect balance between classroom learning and field work, the HEC Paris Summer School prepares you to be a leader for change.

As a student of Chartered Accountancy in India, exploring how Finance influences the different sectors of the economy intrigues me. Due to its maintained high position in rankings, HEC Paris was an obvious choice for me. This two-week long, intensive program helped me to understand the various roles finance plays in the field of energy, which I consider the most important sector in today’s economy. This course provided a richness of content, a rigor of thought and a real-world context for the application of our knowledge.

The course structure and pacing was extraordinarily well-planned, giving me ample time to immerse myself in the city and culture without compromising on the quality of the education. The course was divided into different seminars, each of them taught by an expert in the field which was extremely enriching. I was surprised at how diverse our class was, not just in ethnicity and by the number of countries represented, but also by the range of experience and interests people had.

Getting to know more about HEC Paris as an academic institution was particularly important to me and so I appreciated residing on campus during the program. Interacting and sharing experiences with people from different walks of life helped to widen my mind. It was the perfect intersection of cultural diversity, education enrichment and urban independence.

My experience at HEC Paris was exactly what I had been hoping for. With a perfect balance between classroom learning and field work, the HEC Paris Summer School prepares you to be a leader for change. It is the experience of a lifetime.