Coronavirus Information

The HEC Paris General Management teams are working closely with students, professors and staff in order to support them in the context of this health crisis and offer solutions adapted to the current situation.
All HEC Paris teams, on campus, working from home or abroad, are fully mobilized for the well-being of the members of our community. This page is updated regularly, depending on the information available.
Planning for summer and fall at HEC Paris: Dean Eloïc Peyrache outlines the big picture for the coming months (April 9, 2021 update)
Once again, I would like to express my deep gratitude and admiration for the exceptional efforts everyone has made on behalf of HEC Paris this year.
Please find below a broad plan for the summer and fall at HEC Paris, keeping in mind that over the next few weeks and months, incoming students will be hearing more about specific plans and expectations.
Vaccine rollout
On March 31, the French Government announced another lockdown for the next four weeks and a clear timeline for the vaccine rollout. To date, more than 8.5 million French people have received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine and more than 2 million the second. President Emmanuel Macron established that on April 16, vaccination against the coronavirus will be extended to all people over the age of 60. Those over 50 will be able to receive their first dose on May 15 and people under 50 will follow mid-June.
Planning for summer
Given the rise of new COVID-19 variants and the vaccine campaign, the Summer School courses have shifted online. To date, the Youth Leadership program session taking place on July 25-31 will be taught on the HEC Paris campus. For any updates, please email
Planning for fall
If borders are open and it is safe to do so according to the French government, we will resume full academic and research activities in-person and on-campus by the start of the new academic year in September. Our intention is therefore that, at the beginning of the new academic year, courses will be in blended or face-to-face mode, depending on the options chosen by the people in charge.
This means our residence will be ready to welcome incoming international students. We encourage students traveling from outside the EU to begin the visa process as soon as possible. For more information, please consult the Campus France website. The HEC Paris team will, of course, keep you updated on any evolution/changes and remains at your disposal should you have any concern or questions relative to your enrolment.
We are also doing our utmost to ensure that those present on campus will have access to a vaccination at the beginning of the new academic year, if they have not been able to be vaccinated before this deadline.
Implementing safe measures
Important COVID-19 information, sanitary measures, campus adaptations, internal regulations and FAQs are always available to students via the intranet portal. Students must pay close attention to new rules on and off-campus and strictly respect all of them for the safety and well-being of the whole HEC Paris community. Current cases (contact or confirmed) at HEC Paris are tracked and updated every Tuesday. Currently, PCR tests are available every day of the week on campus. Other measures to keep the community safe include:
- Mandatory PCR Test for any student who enters the campus for the first time
- Mask-wearing
- Social distancing
- A specific medical protocol in place for potential covid+ student
- 80 gel dispensers in the corridors and classrooms
- Floor markings in the corridors
- Enlarged exterior zones, which allow for safe picnicking, events or social exchanges
- Specific measures for the catering, restaurant and common spaces have been implemented
All safety measures and specific adaptations on & off-campus are gathered on a dedicated page of the student portal.
I hope the months ahead provide the time for you to reflect, relax and feel ready to start your program in the fall. We look forward to welcoming you!
Eloïc Peyrache
Director General and Dean of HEC Paris