Nicole Stolowy holds a Master's degree in private law, a DEA postgraduate diploma in private law and a PhD in private law (from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), and is a qualified research supervisor in the same field. She also holds the CAPA qualification (bar exam) from the Paris Bar School.
At HEC Paris, Nicole has been in charge of the International Tax and Legal Strategy major (a specialist third-year course) for the Grande Ecole and the Joint HEC-Paris I law degree she helped to develop (2005-2020). She has been coordinator of the Law Department (2010-2012) and has been her department's representative on HEC's research committee (2006-2010).
Nicole's specialist areas focus around business law: company law, criminal business law, accounting law, the laws concerning struggling businesses, and comparative law. She also has expert knowledge of labour law. She often advises large groups, banks and international law firms both in and outside France (Europe, USA and China), and has personally acted as lawyer in the field of business law, working on mergers in particular.
As sole author or co-author Nicole has written 7 books and 39 academic and professional articles, published mainly in the following journals: Journal of Business Law (UK), Revue des sociétés, JCP, Dalloz Affaires.
Several of her publications have won prizes: Les Délits Comptables (Accounting offences) was voted best book by France's institute of chartered accountants (2003). Several of her articles on Doctrine have undergone "double" or "triple" publication at the request of journal reading committees.
Scientific articles
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Entreprise et Affaires, March 16 2006, n° 11, pp 524-528,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Générale, 22 February 2006, n° 8, pp 351-355,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Générale, 2 June 2004, n° 23, pp 995-999,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Générale, July 2003, n° 27,
Revue Française de Comptabilité, June 2002, n° 345, pp 35-38,
Revue Française de Comptabilité, January 2002, n° 340, pp 22-24,
Journal of Business Law, January 2001, pp 62-73,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Générale, 30 November 2000, n° 48, pp 1896-1901,
La Semaine Juridique - JCP, Edition Générale, 28 July 1999, n° 30-34,
Revue Française de Comptabilité, February 1998, pp 17-18,
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Scientific articles
Journal of Business Law, 2016, vol. 7, pp 607-623,
Journal of Business Law, 2015, vol. 8, pp 620-633,
Journal of Business Law, 2014, n° 8, pp 635-650,
La Nouvelle Revue Géopolitique, July-August-September 2013, pp 88-90,
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2012- Founder and member of the jury - HEC Best Jurist award HEC Paris
- 2010-2012 Department Head, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris
- 2011- Professor, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris
- 2008-2011 Associate Professor, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris
- 2010- Co-head and founder of Joint HEC-Paris 1 law degree HEC Paris
- 2005- Scientific director of "International Tax and Legal Strategy " major (a specialist third-year course) for the Grande Ecole HEC Paris
- 2005- Founder et member of the jury - Best HEC/Allen et Overy award HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Expert contributor for France in "World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2017-2018 report"
- Membre du jury 2018 des "Plumes de l'Economie et du Droit", prix du Business Legal Forum
- 2016 Vice-President, jury of the "plumes de l'economie et du droit" award